Magda (मगदा) is village in Mat tahsil in Mathura district in Uttar Pradesh.
Village Magda (मगदा) Post office Raya , Block / Tehsil - Mat , District - Mathura , Uttar Pradesh. Main village is Bindu ( Bind ) Bulaki , it is a Gram Panchayat village which covers the villages Bindu ( Bind ) Bulaki , Magda , Bhisara and Nagla Deepa Pincode 281204. Nearby villages - Lalpur Mahavan ( 2 KM ) , Bhooda Sani ( 2 KM ) , Bhankerpur Basela ( 3 KM ) , Surraka ( 3 KM ) , Manina Balu ( 4 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Bindu Bulaki. Bindu Bulaki is surrounded by Raya Block towards South , Vrindavan Block towards west , Iglas Block towards East , Mursan Block towards East .
Jat Gotra
Notable persons
- अशोक कुमार वर्मा (म प्र पुलिस)
- संजय कुमार वर्मा (उ प्र पुलिस)
External links
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