
Manasi (मानासी) is a village in Laxmangarh tehsil in Sikar district in Rajasthan.
Manasi village situated near to Laxmangarh at 2 Km towards Bikaner.
Jat Gotras
There are about 125 houses in Manasi out of them 2/3 are Jats and the rest Ballai families. The majority of Jats belong to Fageria Gotra. other Jat Gotras are Karwasra, Matwa and Punia.
Name of Manasi village came after one lady with Mansa name started residing here and then more people migrated here from Dadia village. Manasi village situated near to Laxmangarh at 2 KM towards Bikaner in Lachhmangarh Tehsil in Sikar District of Rajasthan State, India. Manasi is surrounded by Fatehpur Tehsil towards North, Sikar Tehsil towards South, Nawalgarh Tehsil towards East, Dhod Tehsil towards South. Earlier it came under Kumas Jattan panchayat but now after the re-structuring of panchayats in 2019 by Rajasthan Government, Manasi village itself made panchayat and it comes under Manasi Panchayath now. It belongs to Jaipur Division. It is located 35 KM towards North from District head quarters Sikar. Manasi Panchayat Samiti is Laxmangarh, Tehsil: Laxmangarh, District: Sikar. Manasi panchayat includes Manasi village, Mawaliyo Ki Dhani, Matwa Ki Dhani & Setho Ki Kothi, Banjara Basti, Dhabhaiyo ki Dhani, and Khoru Ki Bhar.
Mostly Jat caste in Manasi are Fageria and Matwa, others are Thori, Karwasara and Poonia. Other Non-Jat castes are Pareek, Gujar, Khati, and SC residential.
Laxmangarh police station is situated in Manasi. Other major places are Powerhouse, Subhas Chander Bos Stadium, and Govt. Sr. Secondary school.
Lachhmangarh, Fatehpur, Mandawa are the nearby Cities to Manasi.
Nearby villages of Manasi are:
- Kumas Jatan (2 KM)
- Chhinchhas (3 KM)
- Mawaliyo Ki Dhani (1 KM)
- Matwa Ki Dhani, Manasi & Setho Ki Kothi (2 KM)
- Singodara (4 KM)
- Bagri (6 KM)
- Narodara (7 KM)
- Bathod (9 KM)
- Hameerpura (9 KM).
Public amenities distance from Manasi:
- Laxmangarh Bus depot/bypass: 2 KM
- Laxmangarh railway station: 4KM
- Petrol pump: 2 KM on both north and south side
- Laxmangarh Main Bajar: 3.5 KM
- Todi college: 2.5 KM
- Modi University: 4 KM
- Tehsil SDM office: 1 KM
- Panchayat Samiti: 2 KM
- Civil Court, Laxmangarh: 1 KM
- Sub Treasury Office Laxmangarh: 1 KM
- Medical facility (PHC/CHC/Hospital): Already sanctioned and same to be built in the near future.
Manasi Pin code is 332311 and postal head office is Nayama Bazar- Lachhmangarh.
As per Census-2011 statistics, Manasi village has the total population of 1101 (of which 551 are males while 550 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- Mahavir Matwa - Ex-Sarpanch
- Nand Kumar Matwa - Professor in Architecture Department at MNIT Jaipur
- Rakesh Matwa - Town Planner
- Mamraj Singh (Matwa) - Retired Commandant CRPF, Address: Vill. - Matwa Ki Dhani, Manasi, Teh-Lacchmangarh, Dist- Sikar
- Vikas Fageria -Founder of SMC Education & Tech SMC. B.Tech from Govt engineering college Bikaner, Add- Vill - Manasi, Teh - Laxmangarh Dist - Sikar, contact detail - Mob- +918290618757,

- Harlal Singh (Matwa) - Ex-Service Man of Indian Army, Address: Vill. - Matwa Ki Dhani, Manasi, Teh. -Lachhmangarh, Dist-Sikar (Raj)
- Dr. Pinki Matwa - Dermatologist at SK Medical College, Sikar, Permanent Address- D/o Shri Mamraj Singh (Matwa), Vill. - Matwa Ki Dhani, Manasi, Teh. -Lachhmangarh, Dist-Sikar (Rajasthan). [2]
- Munesh Matwa - Inspection Manager at IOCL, B.Tech & M.Tech from IIT Kharagpur'2015, Permanent Address- S/o Shri Harlal Singh (Matwa), Vill. - Matwa Ki Dhani, Manasi, Teh. -Lachhmangarh, Dist-Sikar (Raj)
- Rahul Matwa - Entrepreneur (Exergy Home Services, [[1]]) after experience of 9 Years, B.Tech from MNIT Jaipur'2014, Permanent Address- S/o Shri Mamraj Singh (Matwa), Vill. - Matwa Ki Dhani, Manasi, Teh. -Lachhmangarh, Dist-Sikar (Rajasthan)
- Dr. Girish Matwa - Assistant Commandant (Medical) in BSF, Permanent Address- S/o Shri Harlal Singh (Matwa), Vill. - Matwa Ki Dhani, Manasi, Teh. -Lachhmangarh, Dist-Sikar (Rajasthan)
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