Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Maniyagarh (मनियागढ़) is a fort place of Chandela rulers in erstwhile Chhatarpur State in Madhya Pradesh.
- Maniyagarh मनियागढ़, म.प्र., (AS, p.710)
- Maniagarh मनियागढ़
Rajgarh Palace: 25 km from Khajuraho, 150-year old Rajgarh Palace is situated at the foot of the Maniyagarh hills. The palace is also called Khajuraho Fort Palace and is built by King Shatrujit Bundela. Situated at the foot of Maniyagarh hills it gives a glimpse of the Bundela style of architecture. [1] The Chandela ruler Chandra-Verman, hailed from Maniagarh, his birth place near Panna.
The tradition assigns Maniagarh as the original home of the Chandelas in Chhatarpur State. Besides this, tradition also assigns eight forts under the command of the Chandelas namely, Barigarh, Kalianjar, Ajaygarh, Maniyagarh, Marpha, Maudha, Garha and Mahiyar. But infact four places, Khajuraho, Kalanjara, Mahoba and Ajaygarh were the backbone of the Chandela empire. [2], [3]
मनियागढ़, म.प्र., (AS, p.710): मनियागढ़ दुर्ग भूतपूर्व छतरपुर खजुराहो से 12 मील दूर एक पहाड़ी पर स्थित है. इसकी प्राचीर प्राय: सात मील लंबी है. आल्हा काव्य मेंइस दुर्ग अनेक बार उल्लेख है. यह चँदलों के 8 प्रसिद्ध किलो में से था. [4]