Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Mannanoor (मन्नानूर) is a Village in Amrabad Mandal in Mahbubnagar District of Telangana State, India.
It belongs to Telangana region . It is located 120 KM towards East from District head quarters Mahabubnagar. Mannanoor Pin code is 509201 and postal head office is Amrabad . Mannanoor is surrounded by Chandampet Mandal towards North , Gundlapally (Dindi) Mandal towards North , Achampeta Mandal towards west , Uppununthala Mandal towards west. Srisailam Project (Right Flank Colony) Township , Devarakonda , Macherla , Nagarkurnool are the near by Cities to Mannanoor. [1]
मन्नानूर (AS, p.711), जिला महबूबनगर, तेलंगाना, में स्थित है. इस स्थान पर प्राचीन मंदिरों के अवशेष प्राप्त हुए हैं जो संभवतः [Warangal|वारंगल]] नरेशों के समय के हैं.[2]