Meethwas (मीठवास), is a medium size village in Jhunjhunun tehsil & district in Rajasthan.
- According to Census 2001 the population of Meethwas stood at 972 (Males: 504, Females : 468).
- As per Census-2011 statistics, Meethwas village has the total population of 1058 (Males: 548, Females: 510)[1]
Jat gotras
Notable person
- Rajendra Singh (Sigad) - Lecturer, S K College Sikar, Mob:9414664283
- Col. Balbir Singh (Rad) (Ret.) - From Meethwas , Jhunjhunu, Settled at 72-73, Anandnagar, Sirsi Road, Jaipur, Mob:9649255595
External Links
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