
Mungthala (मुंगथला) is a village in Abu Road tahsil of Sirohi district in Rajasthan.
- Mungathala (मुंगथला)
- Mundasthala मुंडस्थल, राजस्थान (AS, p.749)
Jat Gotras
Mund: Mundasthala (मुण्डस्थल) indicates the presence of Mund Gotra Jats in the area in ancient times.
This name occurs in number of epigraphs of 12th century as Mundasthala (मुण्डस्थल). This proves its antiquity. This was a sacred Shvetambara Jaina tirtha sacred to Mahavira. In an inscription of 14th century it is called Mahatirtha. [1]
Mundasthala (मुण्डस्थल) is one of the Towns and Villages of Chauhan Dominions (S.No.274)
मुंडस्थल, राजस्थान
मुंडस्थल (AS, p.749): राजस्थान में आबू पर्वत के नीचे स्थित प्राचीन जैन तीर्थ है. तीर्थमाला चैत्यवंदन में इस तीर्थ का उल्लेख इस प्रकार है--'वंदनंदसमे समीधवलके मर्जाद मुंडस्थले'.[2]
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