Nagarnausa (नगरनौसा) is a Town in Nagar Nausa Block in Nalanda District of Bihar State, India.
It belongs to Patna Division . It is located 32 KM towards North from District head quarters Bihar Sharif. It is a Block head quarter. Nagarnausa Pin code is 801305 and postal head office is Nagarnausa . Kaila ( 3 KM ) , Ariyawan ( 4 KM ) , Khajura ( 4 KM ) , Rampur ( 4 KM ) , Bhuthakhar ( 6 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Nagarnausa. Nagarnausa is surrounded by Karai Parsurai Block towards west , Daniyawan Block towards west , Khusrupur Block towards North , Chandi Block towards East. Hilsa, Fatwah , Bakhtiarpur , Mahnar Bazar are the nearby Cities to Nagarnausa. This Place is in the border of the Nalanda District and Patna District. Patna District Daniyawan is west towards this place . Hilsa , Bihar Sharif are the nearby by towns to Nagarnausa having road connectivity to Nagarnausa.[1]