Nakora (नाकोडा) (Nakoda) is a village in Gudha Malani Tahsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
Pincode of the village is 344033. It is situated 64km away from Gudha Malani town and 74km away from Barmer city. Nakora village has got its own gram panchayat. Sindari Charnan, Bhooka Bhagatsingh and Khara Mahechan are some of the nearby villages.
Jat Gotras
The place was known as Nagara (नगर) and Viramapura (विरमपुर) in ancient times. It came into lime light from an epigraph of 14th century that it was famous for the temple of Mahavira and there was also a temple of Shantinatha at this place.[1]
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 388 families residing, Nakora village has the population of 2262 (of which 1205 are males while 1057 are females).[2]
Notable persons
External links
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