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Nathmalpura (नथमलपुरा) is a village in Phagi tahsil in Jaipur district in Rajasthan. It is also called Naya Mauja.
Nathmalpura is located 3 km westwards from Religious Place Kheda Balaji.
The village was firstly inhabitied by the people of Beniwal gotra and founded by them, Later the Dahiya's came to village from Naya Gaon and the Dholya's of the Dosra village were last who settled here.
Jat Gotras
The population of this village is 800 0ut of which 200 are SC's and rest are Jats.
Notable Persons
- श्रीमती प्रेम देवी दहिया - प्रधान, पंचायत समिति, फागी । आप फागी तहसील मे जाट समाज से प्रधान बनने वाली पहली महिला है । आप बिल्कुल सरल स्वभाव और मृदुभाषी है । आपके पति श्रीमान मोटा राम जी भी समाज की सहायता के लिये सदैव तत्पर रहते है ।
- Motaram Dahiya - D.Y.S.P, Rajasthan Police.
- Abhimanyu Singh Choudhary (Dahiya) - Advocate, Rajasthan High Court.
- Hariram Choudhary (Dahiya) - Ex Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat-Maandi.
- Ramlal Jat (Dahiya) - Inspector, Statics Department of rajasthan Government.
- Sawarmal Jat (Dahiya)- Village development officer.
- Nemicahnd Beniwal - Govt. Teacher.
- Vikas Beniwal - Indian Army.
External Links
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