
Neemera (नीमेड़ा) is an ancient village in Danta Ramgarh tehsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan. Nearby villages Tambakhoopura. Its ancient name, mentioned in Harsha Inscription 961 AD (L-39), was Nimbatika (निम्बटिका).
It is located between Jeenamata Dham and Tambakhoopura.
See - Harsha Inscription tells us that it was one of the village offered to Shiva temple of Harshanatha:
- L-39: Let us behold likewise, here, the Villages bestowed by holy-minded personages, the revenues of which are now enjoyed by the gods Pippalavalika (Piprali), Nimbatika (Neemera), Twantha (Tatanwa), Udarbhatika (Udaipurwati)...
- L-39:तथोत्तरापथीयस्ताविकाना[न्म्या श्री*]हर्षकं प्रति प्रेम्न
- एको दत:। पुण्यात्मभिर्दत्तानि देवभुज्यमानक्षेत्राणि पश्यामेहासुरिकायां पिप्पलवालिकाछत्रं
- निंबटिकाट्वांठउदर्भटिकाछत्रं चारुपल्लिकायां
There is a long cave in the village connected with Jeenmata which needs further research.
Jat gotras
Other castes
Kumavat is the main caste of village.
As per Census-2011 statistics, Neemera village has the total population of 868 (of which 440 are males while 428 are females).[1]
Notable person
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