
Nokhra (नोखड़ा) or Nokhada is a village in Malani Tahsil of Barmer district in Rajasthan.
Pincode of the village is 344033. It is situated 50km away from Gudha Malani town and 40km away from Barmer city. Nokhra village has got its own gram panchayat. Jagram Ki Dhani, Ankhiyan and Nehron Ka Tala are some of the nearby villages.
The founders
Jat Gotras
Jat Gotras with No. of families in the village are:
- Bambhu,
- Bhadu (5)
- Beniwal (20)
- Ghat (20)
- Godara (20)
- Hooda (35)
- Jakhar (20)
- Karwasra (5)
- Kukna (1)
- Nagel (5)
- Nehra (100)
- Saain 5)
- Saran (15)
- Thori (15)
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 225 families residing, Nokhra village has the population of 1240 (of which 645 are males while 595 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- Bhavendra Jakhar - Opener Batsman
- Deva Ram Jakhar - Ex. Sarpanch
- Chiman Ram Ghat - Headmaster
- Rana Ram Jakhar - Adhyaksh Veer Biggaji Trust
- Kheta Ram Jakhar
- Hemant Nehra -
- Taga Ram Ghat
- Ram Kumar Ghat
- Bhanwar Lal Jakhar - Rajasthan Patrika
- Mangna Ram Bambhu - Awarded with Uttam Sewa and Ati Uttam Sewa awards in Police Service, Sicial Worker. [2]
External links
- ↑ Web-page of Nokhra village at Census-2011 website
- ↑ Jat Samaj, Agra, May-2014,p.35
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