
Pachokhara (पचोखरा) is a village in Bhind district and Bhind tahsil in Madhya Pradesh.
It is situated in west of Gohad Its PIN Code is 477441
Jat Gotra
According to Rajputana Gazetteer, in the history of Bamraulia clan, Raja Jait Singh ruled Garh Bairath near Alwar in Rajasthan and Birandev in Tuhingarh as Jagirs offered by Tomar rulers of Delhi during eleventh century. Raja Chaharpal Dev Tomar died in battle of Tarain in 1192 and their rule at Delhi vanished, the Jat rulers left the plains and moved to remote areas in search of new grounds. The Jat rulers first settled at Bamrauli Katara village near Agra and later moved to Pachokhara in year 1367 due to differences with Mugal subedar Muneer Muhammad. [1] When they were inhabiting at village Barthara near Gohad, they established marital relations with Jat Bisotia thakurs. In the fifth generation of Ratanapala Bamraulia, Raja Man Singh Tomar awarded Singhandev the zamindari of Gohad and the title of Rana in 1505 AD.[2][3]
Sinhandev ruled in Pachokhara. Later Jats made Gohad as their permanent capital in year 1368.[4][5]
Notable persons
External links
- ↑ Sovaran Singh Chahar, Jat-Veer Smarika, Agra, 1992, p. 41
- ↑ Dr. Ajay Kumar Agnihotri (1985) : Gohad ke Jaton ka Itihas(Hindi), p. 14
- ↑ Rajputana Gazeteer, Part-I, 1879, p. 248-249
- ↑ Dr. Ajay Kumar Agnihotri (1985) : Gohad ke Jaton ka Itihas(Hindi), p. 14
- ↑ Sovaran Singh Chahar, Jat-Veer Smarika, Agra, 1992, p. 41
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