Padma River
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Padma (Hindi:पद्मा, Bengali: পদ্মা) is a major river in Bangladesh and India (downstream of Giria). It is the main distributary of the Ganges, flowing generally southeast for 120 kms to its confluence with the Meghna River near the Bay of Bengal.[1] The city of Rajshahi is situated on the banks of the river.[2]
- Pôdda
- Padma River पद्मा नदी, बांग्लादेश, (AS, p.525)
Jat clans
Tej Ram Sharma[3] mentions that Padma River (पद्मा) is mentioned Indore Copper-plate Inscription of Skandagupta Gupta Year 146 (=A.D. 465) (No. 16, L. 5) : The inscription No. 16 refers to a brahmana named Devavisnu, who belonged to the community of Caturvedins of Padma of the town of Indrapura. 36 The Ganga is also known as Padma or Padda. 37 The community of the brahmanas mentioned in the inscription might have lived by the side of the river. D. C. Sircar takes Padma to be the name of a locality in the town of Indrapura. 38 The inscription (No. 16) also tells us that Skandagupta's feudatory visayapati Sarvanaga was govern- ing Antarvedi or the country lying between the Ganga and the Yamuna. 39
36. No. 16, L. 5 : चेन्द्रापुरक-पद्मा-चातुर्व्विद्य-सामान्यब्राह्मणदेवविष्णु:....। See Indrapura in the place-names
37.The Origin and Development of the Bengali Languages. K. Chatterji. Vol, I, p. 67.
38. Select Inscriptions by D. C. Sircar. p. 319, f.n.9.
39. Corpus Inscripionum Indicarum, Vol. III by John Faithful Fleet , pp. 69-70 : LL. 3-4.
पद्मा नदी
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[4] ने लेख किया है ...पद्मा नदी (AS, p.525), बांग्लादेश, गंगा-ब्रह्मपुत्र की संयुक्त धारा का नाम है.
पद्मा नदी परिचय
पद्मा नदी गंगा नदी के पानी से पोषित होने वाली नदी है। भारत व बांग्लादेश के बीच 1997 में हुई 'गंगा जल संधि के अंतर्गत' पद्मा नदी को गंगा नदी से पानी मिलता है। इसकी औसत गहराई 695 फीट (201 मी) और अधिकतम गहराई 1144 फीट (323 मीटर) है। बांग्ला देश में गंगा नदी को प्राय: पद्मा नाम से ही पुकारा जाता है।[5]
External links
Location of Shitalakshya River
Map of Bangladesh
- ↑ Allison, Mead A. (Summer 1998). "Geologic Framework and Environmental Status of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta". Journal of Coastal Research. Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc. 13 (3): 826–836. JSTOR 4298836.
- ↑ Hossain ML, Mahmud J, Islam J, Khokon ZH and Islam S (eds.) (2005) Padma, Tatthyakosh Vol. 1 and 2, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 182 (in Bengali).
- ↑ Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions/Names of the Rivers and the Mountains,p.295, sn.6.
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.525
- ↑ भारतकोश-पद्मा नदी