Pathori Bakkal

From Jatland Wiki

Pathori Bakkal (पठोड़ी बक्कल) is a village in tehsil Deoband of district Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh.


It is located Within the radius of 3 km from Nagal ,Saharanpur (U.P) And 18 km from Saharanpur District


The Founders


As per the heresay Nausran’s came from Rajasthan.

Jat Gotras

Jat Monuments

शिव मंदिर पठौड़ी बक्काल


As per census 2011, population of village Pathori Bakkal is 1366, with 255 houses.

Notable Persons

  • चौधरी अजब सिंह ( ग्राम पंचायत अधिकारी )
  • चौधरी क़बूल सिंह
  • चौधरी सुखबीर सिंह
  • Vikas Nausran -
  • Shri. Sudhir Choudhary (Nitu)
  • चौधरी प्रांजल नौसरान

External Links


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