
From Jatland Wiki

Pellan (पेल्लान)[1] Palan (पलान)/Pahlan (पहलाण)[2] [3] Pelan (पेलान)[4] Palan (पालण)[5] [6] Palan (पालान)[7] Pehlawat (पेलावत) [8] is gotra of Jats. Pehlan, are derivatives of Ahlawats.


Jat Gotras Namesake

Mention by Pliny

Pliny[13] mentions 'The Gulfs Of The Red Sea'....The localities of this region are as follow: Either from Pelusium across the sands, in doing which the only method of finding the way is by means of reeds fixed in the earth, the wind immediately effacing all traces of footsteps: by the route which begins two miles beyond Mount Casius, and at a distance of sixty miles enters the road from Pelusium, adjoining to which road the Arabian tribe of the Autei dwell; or else by a third route, which leads from Gerrum, and which they call Adipsos8, passing through the same Arabians, and shorter by nearly sixty miles, but running over rugged mountains and through a district destitute of water. All these roads lead to Arsinoë9, a city founded in honour of his sister's name, upon the Gulf of Carandra, by Ptolemy Philadelphus, who was the first to explore Troglodytice, and called the river which flows before Arsinoë by the name of Ptolemæus.

8 The "not thirsty" route, so called by way of antiphrasis.

9 See B. v. c. 9.

अहलावत गोत्र की शाखा

दलीप सिंह अहलावत[14] लिखते हैं: अहलावत गोत्र के महान् पुरुषों के नाम से ओहलाण,पेहलाण, ब्रह्माण, जून और माड़े गोत्र चले हैं। अतः इनकी रगों में एक ही धारा का खून बह रहा है। कुछ लेखकों ने जून गोत्र को अहलावत, ओहलाण, पेहलाण, ब्रह्माण गोत्रों का सौतेला भाई (मौसी का बेटा) लिखा है और दन्त्तकथा भी यही प्रचलित है। हमारे लेख से स्पष्ट है कि जून गोत्र भी इन चारों गोत्रों का रक्त भाई या एक ही वंश का है। राजा गजसिंह जिसके पुत्र जून और माड़े थे, अहलावत सोलंकी गोत्र का था1। अहलावत, ओहलाण, पेहलाण, ब्रह्माण गोत्रों के आपस में आमने-सामने एवं एक दूसरे की भांजी या भांजा के साथ विवाह नहीं होते हैं। जून ने छोछी गांव बसाया जो कि डीघल के निकट है। इसी गांव से जून गोत्र के 15 गांव बसे हैं -

जिला रोहतक में 1. छोछी 2. नूणा माजरा 3. लोवा 4. खुंगाई 5. समचाणा 6. गद्दी खेड़ी 7. पत्थरहेड़ी 8. देसलपुर 9. अभूपुर, सोनीपत जिले में 10. छतहरा, फरीदाबाद में 11. अजरोंदा, चण्डीगढ़ में 12. मनीमाजरा और देहली प्रान्त में 13. नांगलकबीर 14. ककरोला (कुछ घर) जून जाट गोत्र के हैं।

अहलावत वंश के शाखा गोत्र - 1. ओहलाण 2. पेहलाण 3. ब्रह्माण 4. जून 5. माड़े


Ram Sarup Joon [15] writes that ... Ahlawat and Joon gotras belong to that branch of Solanki which ruled over Kaliani and Watapi (Vatapi) in South India from 5th to 12th century AD. They had a staunch enemy i.e. Raja Rajendra Chol. He attacked them with an army of one hundred thousand strong during the reign of seventh Raja Satish Raj Solanki and seized a major part of the kingdom.

In 1052 AD a new ruler of this dynasty came forth to redeem the old loss. His name was Ahumal and was titles Sameshwar I and Raj Raja. He attacked the Chol kingdom with a large army, conquered it and married Umang Devi daughter of the Chol king. He made Bangi his new capital. This kingdom existed astride the Tunga Bhadra River. Ahumal died in 1068 AD. His dynasty is called Ahlawat.

History of the Jats, End of Page-69

After several generations Bisaldev of this dynasty migrated towards north and settled down in village Nanhakhera (Seria) near Dighal in district Rohtak. He had four sons Olha, Ahlawat, Birmhan and Pehlawat An ancient pond (Birmala) named after Birmhan (Brebhan) is still famous for its sanctity in village Seria (Rohtak). Four new gotras (clans) originated after their names and are found settled in 30 villages around Dighal. Todd and Tarikhe Gujran have recorded this event in "Gazetteer of Rohtak" by Abdul Malik.


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