Shadipur Punjab

Shadipur is a village near Sanghol under Khamanon tehsil in Fatehgarh Sahib District of Indian state of Punjab. Shadipur's Post code and STD code are 141128 & 0160 respectively. Its ancient name was Phalapura (फलपुर).
Jat clans
Shadipur is almost 6 km from Sanghol. The nearest Railway station to Shadipur is Nogawan Railway station.
Phalapura (फलपुर) (IV, p.70) - phala signifying fruit or effect, And when his conquests were over, and Lalitaditya was enjoying the fruits of his victories, he raised this city. Town is identified with present Shadipur.[1]
Rajatarangini[2] tells....Now, Dengapala said to Bhikshu that Jayasimha who was then at a distance had obtained possession of the kingdom, and as he was angry with him he would kill him. Bhikshu thought that Dengapala should attach himself to some party and he replied accordingly. The Damaras advised Bhikshu to flee to Phalapura, breaking open the privy. But Bhikshu who possessed a noble heart refused the advice because he thought that the people would speak ill of him, and say that he had fled like a dog, through, the privy hole, with all his limbs covered with unclean things. [VIII (i) ,p.147-148]
Notable persons
- Mehakvir Singh Dhaliwal
External links
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