Dhani Phogat

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Dhani Phogat (ढ़ाणी फोगट) is a village located at a distance of 3 kms at the outskirts of Charkhi Dadri town in Charkhi Dadri district, Haryana.


Synonymous with Phogat Jats, the village has ornate Chhatris of 3 deceased Subedars (of 1st World War times).


Jat gotras


Notable persons from this village

  • Hukam Singh Phogat - 8th C.M of Haryana
  • Subedar Sheo Lal Phogat - Among the prominent families is that of late Subedar Sheo Lal Phogat whose descendants have distinguished themselves in Medicine, Civil Service, Police and Politics.
  • Ch. Amar Singh - Chairman, an octogenarian Political leader of Dadri area.
  • Dr. Ishwar Singh - A leading Eye Surgeon of Rohtak.
  • Ch. Phool Singh - DSP (Retd)
  • Dr. Deepak Sindhu - Major in Indian Army
  • Dr. AC Chowdhary - Former Director Health Services.
  • Kamla Chowdhary - IAS (Retd.), Wife of Dr. AC Chowdhary.
  • Tejveer Singh - IAS, Son of Dr. AC Chowdhary
  • Jaideep Phogat - Youngest ASK in all NAD's in over INDIA.

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