
Raghunathgarh (रघुनाथगढ़) is an ancient village in Sikar tehsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan. It was known as Shiva Nagari or Koha or Khoha in Ancient times.
Raghunathgarh is around 23 km from Sikar. its geographical coordinates are 27° 40' 0" North, 75° 21' 0" East.
Rewasa, Kasli and Raghunathgarh in Sikar were under Chandels. Chandels were Chandravanshi Kshatriyas. They had a big state in Jetubhukti and had a war with Prithviraj Chauhan and were defeated. An inscription of Chandels was found at (Raghunathgarh of v.s. 1150 (1093 AD). Three inscriptions of year v.s. 1243 (1186 AD) were found at Rewasa. These inscriptions reveal that Rewasa pargana was under Prithviraj Chauhan. These inscription are about some warriors. [1]
The fortress, situated at a height of 3500 ft above sea level, on the Aravalli Ranges is the main attraction of this historical site. The fort was built by Rao Raja Devi Singh of Sikar in 1791.
सीकर में स्थित जिला संग्रहालय के विविध प्रतिमा दीर्घा में खरसाडू से प्राप्त 10 वी शदी की लघु आकार की मूर्तियाँ, सुदरासन से प्राप्त 9 वीं शदी की विराट प्रस्तर प्रतिमाएं, गौराऊ से प्राप्त ऋषभनाथ, पार्श्वनाथ, आदिनाथ व पद्मप्रभु की जैन धातु प्रतिमाएं, जायल से प्राप्त पार्श्वनाथ तथा रघुनाथगढ़ से प्राप्त महिषासुरमर्दिनी प्रतिमाएं हैं. ग्राम गुरारा, तहसील श्रीमाधोपुर, जिला सीकर से 600 ई.पू.- 200 ई.पू. के पंचमार्क सिक्के चित्र प्रदर्शित हैं.
Historical Monuments
Raghunathgarh Fort
Raghunathgarh Gate
Raghunathgarh History
Raghunathgarh Pandor Deori
Raghunathgarh Pandor View
Raghunathgarh Pindor Temple by Om Prakash Moond
Raghunathgarh Silalekh VS 1120
Raghunathgarh Silalekh VS.1120
Raghunathgarh Silalekh VS.1150
Raghunathgarh Temple Panor
Raghunathgarh View
Raghunathgarh Inscription VS 1120 (=1063 AD)
Raghunathgarh Inscription of Chandels v.s. 1150 (1093 AD)
Rewasa, Kasli and Raghunathgarh in Sikar were under Chandels. Chandels were Chandravanshi Kshatriyas. They had a big state in Jetubhukti and had a war with Prithviraj Chauhan and were defeated. An inscription of Chandels was found at (Raghunathgarh of v.s. 1150 (1093 AD).
- Its population, according to 2001 census, was 4,736.
- As per Census-2011 statistics, Raghunathgarh village has the total population of 3194 (of which 1601 are males while 1593 are females).[2]
Notable persons
External Links
- ↑ रतन लाल मिश्र:शेखावाटी का नवीन इतिहास, कुटीर प्रकाशन मंडावा, 1998, पृ. 136
- ↑ http://www.census2011.co.in/data/village/81663-raghunathgarh-rajasthan.html
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