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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Rajavihara (राजविहार) was a Vihara constructed by Kushana King Kanishka near Kapisha in Afghanistan for the residence of a Chinese Prince.




Alexander Cunningham [1] writes about Chinapati or Pati: [p.200]: Hwen Thsang places the town of Chinapati at 500 li, or 83 miles, to the east of Taki, a position which corresponds almost exactly with Patti, a large and very old town, situated 27 miles to the north-east of Kasur, and 10 miles to the west of the Bias river.

According to Hwen Thsang, the district of China-pata was about 2000 li, or 333 miles, in circuit. With these dimensions, it must have comprised the whole of the upper Bari Doab, between the Bias and the Ravi, from the foot of the hills to the old junction of the Bias and Satlej, near Firuzpur. The name of Chi-na-po-ti, or Chinapati, is referred to the time of the great Indo-Scythian king Kanishka, who fixed this place as the residence of his Chinese hostages.

Rājavihāra (राजविहार) or Rājavihārakṣetra is a place-name classified as a kṣetra and mentioned in the Gupta inscription No. 52. {Gunaighar Copper-plate Inscription of Vainyagupta Gupta Year 188 (=A. D. 507)}. [2][3]

राजविहार, अफ़ग़ानिस्तान

राजविहार (AS, p.783): कपिशा (अफ़ग़ानिस्तान का एक इलाका) में स्थित एक विहार था, जिसका निर्माण 'कुशन' (कुषाण) सम्राट कनिष्क ने चीन के राजकुमार के निवास के लिए करवाया था। चीन के सम्राट ने राजकुमार को कनिष्क से पराजित होने पर बंधक रूप में भेजा था। इसका कनिष्क ने बहुत सम्मान किया और उसके निवास के लिए शीत काल में भारत, शरद में गंधार तथा ग्रीष्म में कपिशा में स्थान नियत कर दिये थे। इसी राजकुमार के वैयक्तिक व्यय के लिए 'चीनभुक्ति' नामक प्रदेश की आय प्रदान कर दी गई थी।[4]

External links


  1. The Ancient Geography of India/Ransi,pp.200-203
  2. https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/rajavihara
  3. Source: archive.org: Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions
  4. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.783