Ramgarh Aligarh

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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Ramgarh (रामगढ) is a village in tahsil Koil Aligarh and district Aligarh of Uttar Pradesh.


The village code of Ramgarh Panjoopur village is 122716. Ramgarh Panjoopur village is located in Koil Tehsil of Aligarh district in Uttar Pradesh, India. Koil is nearest town to Ramgarh Panjoopur village.


  • Ramgarh Aligarh रामगढ़-2 दे. अलिगढ़, उत्तर प्रदेश (AS, p.43), (AS, p.787)
  • Sabitgarh (साबितगढ़)

Jat Gotras


Afrasiyab's campaign in the Doab

Qanungo[1] writes.... [p.175]: Raja Suraj Mal had sown well the seeds of liberty and ambition in the heart of every Jat. If the parent-tree of the Jat State was withering in the land of Braj, its off-shoots grew up vigorously on newer soils and kept up the hope and faith of the people in their great political destiny. During the four years of the comparative neglect of the Doab by the Mughal Government since the battle of Dankaur, several Jat leaders, on their individual initiative, had been carrying on war with the object of carving out small principalities for themselves. Theyhad not only created powerful diversion to draw off a part of the Mughal army, but also found means to "send secret help to the besieged at Deeg" [Ibratnama, p. 289]. Mirza Najaf Khan sent Afrasiyab Khan1 to subdue them and restore order and peace in the Doab. Afrasiyab crossed the Jamuna with an army of fifteen thousand horse and a proportionate number of matchlockmen and guns. After having expelled from that region all the Jat officials who were the ring leaders of disturbance and rebellion, he laid siege to Aligarh. Jawahar Singh had spent a large sum of money in strengthening its fortifications,

1. Khair-ud-din is not definite about the date. He says, "It is said that when the seige of Deeg was prolonged the Amir-ul-umra sent Afrasiyab Khan" [MS. p. 289].

[p.176]: given it the name of RamgarhXXX (it having been known as Sabitgarh before his time), and made it the grand depot of ms military stores and treasure. After Afrasiyab Khan had reduced the garrison to great straits by a siege of several months, Raja Bhup Singh of Mudsan and Hathras 2

XXX. Sabit Khan, Governor of Koil region during the time of Farrukh-Siyar and Muhammad Shah built a fort three miles north of the town Koil and named it Sabitgarh. After the occupation of he Koil by the Jats the fort was renamed Ramgarh. According to News Letter dated 11th June l761, Surajmal was staying in Ramgarh, Mirza Najaf Khan with his lieutenant Afrasiyab Khan captured Ramgarh from the Jats in 1775 and named it Aligarh. In 1804, the Britishers named Koil as a separate district called Aligarh. J. M. Siddiqui, Aligarh District: A Historical Survey, p. 25-27,112.

Sabitgarh was named Ramgarh by Suraj Mal not by Jawahar Singh. Suraj Mal occupied Koil_in Febraury 1753 from its faujdar Rao Bahadur Singh Burgujar. (सूदन,सुजान चरित) 98-103; Tarikh-i-Ahmad Shahi, 47a.) But the Jat garrison had to evacuate it (Tarikh-i-Ahmad Shahi, 105a, 106a) about the end of December 1753 because the Maratha and Mughal armies encircled the Jat heartland before the siege of Kumher fort. After Abdali's expedition against Jats in 1757 Malhar Rao Holkar and Imad, the sworn enemies of Raja Suraj Mal came to terms with him. At this opportune time ]]Suraj Mal]] not only re-established his out posts, along both the sides of Jamuna but also settled the tracks from Agra to Meerut. It can be inferred that during this period Ramgarh was made stronghold of the Jats. Abdali besieged Ramgarh in his second expedition on 25th March 1760 and after 19 days fort commander Durjan (Sal) Singh surrendered Ramgarh.(G.C. Dwivedi, The Jats: Their role in the Mughal Empire, p.180, f.n. 46; P.C. Chandawat, Maharaja Suraj Mal Aur Unka Yug, p.164, f.n.2.) In the post-Panipat period Suraj Mal captured Agra fort and he himself went to Koil in June 1761, encamped there and recovered his former possessions in that region. (S.P.D., II, 144; Rajwade, I, 285, 295) above News letter cited by Siddiqui also confirms that Suraj Mal was staying in Ramgarh in June 1761. Thus from 1761 to 1775 Ramgarh remained in the possession of the Jats. - Ed.

2. Hathras on E. I. Ry., 25 miles east of Mathura; Mudsan lies 8 miles west of Hathras. Another fort Bawal of the Ibratnama cannot be identified in the map. It may be a mistake for Jowar, a large village 10 miles from Hathras and 4 miles north-west of Mudsan. But this village has no trace of fortification. The first two places are situated between lat. 27°"-40' and long. 78°"-10'.

[p.177]: commenced hostilities in his rear. At the instigation of the Raja the peasants throughout the Doab refused to pay taxes and resisted the authority of Mughal Government. Afrasiyab, finding himself unequal to the task, summoned his master to his assistance.


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[2] ने लेख किया है ...अलीगढ़ (AS, p.43) प्राचीन नाम कोइल या कोल भी कहलाता है। अलीगढ़ शहर, उत्तरी भारत के उत्तर-मध्य उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य में है। यह दिल्ली के दक्षिण-पूर्व में स्थित है। इसके पास ही अलीगढ़ नाम का एक क़िला है। कोल नाम की तहसील अब भी अलीगढ़ ज़िले में है। अलीगढ़ नाम 'नजफ़ खाँ' का दिया हुआ है। 1717 ई. में 'साबित खाँ' ने इसका नाम 'साबितगढ़' और 1757 में जाटों ने रामगढ़ रखा था। उत्तर मुग़ल काल में यहाँ सिंधिया का कब्ज़ा था। उसके फ़्रांसीसी सेनापति पेरन का क़िला आज भी खण्डहरों के रूप में नगर से तीन मील दूर है। इसे 1802 ई. में लॉर्ड लेक ने जीता था। यह क़िला पहले रामगढ़ कहलाता था

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