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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Shrivardhan (श्रीवर्धन) is a city and taluka in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, India.




The taluka of Shriwardhan is an ancient place of historical importance and is mentioned as being visited by Arjuna Pandava in his pilgrimage. It was an important port in the past, well known to traders of Ahmednagar and Bijapur in the 16th and 17th centuries.

It appears in the accounts of leading European travellers, for example, Ziffardan. In 1538, Dom Joao de Castro [1] described it as having little water under the pier at low tide, but that the interior of the city was large and roomy.

It is notable as the birthplace of Balaji Vishwanath, the first Peshwa (1713–1720) who was the Deshmukh of the town, where there is now a monument to him. In 1713, Shriwardhan was one of the sixteen fortified places in the Konkan ceded by Balaji Vishwanath Peshwa to Kanhoji Angre of Kolaba. Balaji was the first Peshwa of Maratha Empire appointed by Chhatrapati Shahu, grandson of Chhatrapati Shivaji.

श्रीवर्धन (महाराष्ट्र )

विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर [2] ने लेख किया है ...श्रीवर्धन (AS, p.923): रायगढ़ , महाराष्ट्र का ऐतिहासिक स्थान। यह महाराष्ट्र के नायक बालाजी विश्वनाथ के सुपुत्र बाजीराव प्रथम (दूसरे पेशवा) का जन्म स्थान था। बाजीराव प्रथम का, जिसने महाराष्ट्र की शक्ति की दुंदुभि सारे भारत में बजाई, जन्म 1699 ई. में हुआ था। पिता की मृत्यु के 15 दिन पश्चात् ही इन्हें पेशवा की गद्दी पर साहू ने आसीन कर दिया था। इन्होंने हिन्दू जाति के संगठन को सुदृढ़ बनाने का बहुत प्रयास किया। इनके समय में महाराष्ट्र राज्यसत्ता की धाक उत्तरी हिन्दुस्तान में भी छाई हुई थी। यहां तक कि दिल्ली का मुग़ल बादशाह भी इनका वशवर्ती बन गया था।

External links


  1. Dom Joao de Castro, Primeiro Roteiro da Costa da India, Page 47
  2. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.923