Sihot Chhoti

Sihot Chhoti (सिहोट छोटी) is a village in Dhod tahsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan.
Before creation of Dhod tahsil, this village used to fall within Sikar tahsil.
It is on north of Sikar- Salasar road.
Jat Gotras
There are many Nehra families in the village - Sihot Chhoti. Jat Gotras are:
As per Census-2011 statistics, Sihot Chhoti village has the total population of 3031 (of which 1577 are males while 1454 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- Ganpat Singh Dhaka - Sepoy Ganpat Singh Dhaka is the hero of Kargil war who belonged to the village Sihot Chhoti in Sikar district in Rajasthan. He died on 27 July 1999 during Kargil war. He was in Unit-16 Grenediers.
- Late Chaudhary Shri Pemaram Nehra was pioneer in social service, agriculture, education development, etc. His sons Late Shri Govind Singh Nehra, Shri Hardev Singh Nehra, Subedar Major Shri Ganpatram nehra (retd.), Shri Mohanlal Nehra and Shri Ishwarlal Nehra are one of the leaders of this village in their own field as well as community development.
- Shri Mahipal Singh Nehra, grandson of Late Chaudhary Shri Pemaram Nehra is working with India's Leading Bank - HDFC bank. His younger brother Shri Jaypal Singh Nehra is working in Latin America with India's Leading importer-exporter, Fortune Global Group.
- Mukand Singh (Bijarniya) - Inspector Police, Date of Birth : 1-January-1951, Phone : 01572-224383, Mob: 9414251566
- Vijay Nehra - IAS Gujarat cadre. He has been awarded with Best Collector's award recently by Jujarat Government. Mob: 9978406224
- Mahesh Nehra Post Graduate from IIT Bombay working as Design Engineering in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), a premier aerospace company under Ministry of Defence. Mahesh Nehra hails from Sihot Chhoti, Sikar Rajasthan. He is son of Shree Chunni Lal Nehra, Ex AVVNL Employee.

- Pramila Nehra - Resident of Sihot Chhoti, Sikar, Rajastha married to Rajendra Ranwa of Bodlasi , Sikar, Rajastha.
External links
- Information on Sihot Chhoti village - website
- Geo Location of Sihot Chhoti]
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