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Babariya (बाबरीया) Babaria (बाबरीया) Bavaria (बावरिया) Gotra Jats live in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Babar (बाबर)/Bobal Jat clan is found in Afghanistan.[1]


Babaria village


Ram Sarup Joon[2] writes that...About 70 Jat Gotras joined the Gujar force and started calling themselves Gujars. Babar is one of them.

H.A. Rose[3] States about Babar (बाबर). — A small tribe allied to the Sheranis — indeed said to be descended from a son of Dom, a grandson of Sherainai. They are divided into two main branches, Mahsand and Ghora Khel. The former are sub-divided into four and the latter into eight sub-divisions.

The Babars are a civilised tribe and most of them can read and write. They are devoted to commerce and are the wealthiest, quietest and most honest tribe of the sub-Sulaiman plains. Edwardes called them the most superior race in the whole of the trans-Indus districts, and the proverb says : 'A Babar fool is a Gandapur sage.' Intensely democratic, they have never had a recognised chief, and the tribe is indeed a scattered one, many residing in Kandahar and other parts of Khorasan as traders. A few are still engaged in the powinda traffic. The Babars appear to have occupied their present seats early in the 14th century, driving out the Jats and Baloch (?) population from the plains and then being pushed northward, by the Ushtarani proper. Their centre is Chaudwan and their outlying villages are held by Jat and Baloch tenants, as they cultivate little themselves.

Distribution in Rajasthan

Villages in Churu district

Chhapar Churu (1), Sujangarh (37),

Villages in Tonk district

Mamana (1),

Villages in Jaipur district

Anantpura (1),

Distribution in Madhya Pradesh

Villages in Dhar district

Bavaria (बावरिया) Babaria (बाबरीया) gotra Jats live in Dhar district in Madhya Pradesh. Villages are:


Villages in Ratlam district

Villages in Ratlam with population of this gotra are:

Rughnathgarh (1),

Baboriya (बबोरिया) in Banjali (1),

Notable persons

External links


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