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Barechi (बरेची)Barech (बरेच) clan is found in Afghanistan.[1] Balecha (बलेचा) /Bhardecha is a Jat Chauhan clan. [2] It is same as Indian Jat clan Barach (बराच).



H. W. Bellew writes that Barechi, or Bahrech, are the Bhardecha Chohan Agnikula Rajput, and inhabit the Shorawak district between Peshin and the Sistan desert. They are reckoned at four thousand families, and have small settlements at Kala-Bost, at Rudbar and Pulalak, and some other places west of the Helmand. They are mostly nomadic, but many live in huts of matting and tamarisk wicker plastered over with mud, and called Kadal. These are mostly along the course of the river Lora, which flows through their country on its way to join the Tarnak. [3]

H. W. Bellew writes that The next division of the Sharkhbun Sarabani Afghan is the Bahrech, or Barech, tribe, which I recognise as the Bhardecha clan of the Chohan Agnikula Rajput (well-known in Hindustan, where it has given its name to a considerable district of Oudh). They inhabit the Shorawak district of Kandahar, bordering on the sandy desert of Balochistan, and extend along the Helmand river from Bost (formerly the winter residence of Mahmud of Ghazni) to Sistan, and are partly agricultural and partly nomadic, living in movable huts, called Kadala, made of wicker frames of tamarisk twigs plastered with clay ; they keep large numbers of camels of a superior quality, and among Afghans are distinguished for their devotion to the breeding of that animal. The Bahrech have emigrated largely to Hindustan, where they have several colonies in the Delhi country, at Jhajjar, Gohana, etc. [4]

H. W. Bellew[5] writes....The Tarin tribe occupies the Sibi and Peshin districts, and is one of the five tribes composing the Sharkhbun division of the Sarabanri Afghan. ....The Tor Tarin, "Black Tarin," inhabit the Peshin valley, having the Achakzi to their north, the Barech to their west, and the district of Shal (Quetta) to their south, whilst on the east they are separated from their Spin Tarin tribesmen by a strip of Kakar territory.

Notable persons

See also



  1. An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan By H. W. Bellew, The Oriental University Institute, Woking, 1891, p.138,158,169
  2. Dr Tuganias: Chahuan vanshi Lakra Jaton ka Itihas (Chapter 32)
  3. An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan By H. W. Bellew, The Oriental University Institute, Woking, 1891, p.138
  4. An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan By H. W. Bellew, The Oriental University Institute, Woking, 1891, p.169
  5. An Inquiry Into the Ethnography of Afghanistan,p.139

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