Beeslan (बीसलान) (Bislan) is a small village in Rajgarh tahsil of Churu district in Rajasthan.
Jat Gotras
As per Census-2011 statistics, Beeslan village has the total population of 986 (of which 501 are males while 485 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- Gulab Singh Burdak - Freedom fighter.
- Rup Chand Punia, Bislan, Worker of Rajgarh Kisan Sabha[2]
- Hira Ram, Bislan, Worker of Rajgarh Kisan Sabha[4]
- चंद्रसी पूनिया - बीसलान गाँव में चंद्रसी पूनिया एक समाज सेविका थी। जिसका स्वर्गंवास 25 June 2009 को हो गया ।
External links
- ↑
- ↑ Ganesh Berwal: 'Jan Jagaran Ke Jan Nayak Kamred Mohar Singh', 2016, ISBN 978.81.926510.7.1, p.170
- ↑ Ganesh Berwal: 'Jan Jagaran Ke Jan Nayak Kamred Mohar Singh', 2016, ISBN 978.81.926510.7.1, p.170
- ↑ Ganesh Berwal: 'Jan Jagaran Ke Jan Nayak Kamred Mohar Singh', 2016, ISBN 978.81.926510.7.1, p.170
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