
From Jatland Wiki
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Map of Hindu Shahi dynasty

Bhimapala (भीमपाल) (ruled in 1022-1026) was son of Trilochanapala in Shahi dynasty. He was final Shahi Emperor of the famed dynasty.



Prince Bhímapála, son of Tirlochanpala, succeeded his father in AD 1021-22. He was referred to by Utbí as "Bhīm, the Fearless" due to his courage and valour. Considering his kingdom was at its lowest point, possibly only in control of Nandana, he admirably earned the title of "fearless" from his enemy's own chronicle writer. He is known to have commanded at the battle of Nandana personally and seriously wounded the commander of the Ghaznavid army Muhammad bin Ibrahim at-Tāī [1]. He ruled only five years before meeting his death in AD 1026. He was final Shahi Emperor of the famed dynasty.

According to Al Beruni, Bhimapala succeeded his father Trilochanapala “and after five years under him the sovereignty of Hind became extinct and no descendant remained to light a fire on the hearth.”

In 1021 CE Mahmud again marched towards Kashmir. “The fort of Lohkot was invested. A month was spent there. As the fort was strong it could not be taken.” Frustrated and enraged, Mahmud decamped and next proceeded to Lahore, the formal capital of the Shahis. He entered the city without opposition giving it over to be sacked by the troops. He appointed one of his officers to the Government and nominated other commanders to various districts before returning to Ghazni. The Punjab was finally annexed to the dominion of Ghazni after stubborn resistance, to the last man, by the Shahis for quarter of a century. Briggs, the translator of Ferishta remarks: “Thus after 23 years we find the Muslim governors, left in India, east of the Indus.” Islam had acquired a springboard for future forays in to the heartland of India.

The widow of Bhimpala, with two minor sons, was given protection in Kashmir. The family later moved to Bhatner, the jagir bestowed on them by Bisal Dev Chauhan of Ajmer.

Buddha Prakash[2] mentions ...Tirlochanpala's son Bhimapala kept the Turks at bay in the hilly districts south of Lohara, but was killed in a battle in 1026. Thereafter the remnants of the Shahis retired to Kashmira and played an important part in her history, exhibiting rare bravery and heroism. But Panjab was at the feet of the Turks and the region upto Lahore formed part of the Ghaznavi kingdom.


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