Bidoli (बिडोली) is a medium-size village in Sikar tahsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan.
Bidoli is in west of Jeenmata in Sikar district. We can reach from Sikar -Gokulpura- Mandawara - Khori Doongar - Bidoli - Gothra (Tagalan).
- As per Census-2011 statistics, Bidoli village has the total population of 2204 (of which 1136 are males while 1068 are females).[1]
Jat Gotras
- Githala (150) - Many families live in nearby Githala Ki Dhani .
- Mawlia (2) - Mavalias came from Sukhpura to Bidoli.
Village has about 200 Jat families. Village is mainly a Githala village. Only one Rajput family is there.
Notable persons from Bidoli
- Ranjit Singh Githala - IAS Rajasthan
- Ganpat Ram Patel (Mawlia) - His father was founder of Jat Bajar Sikar. Mob:9461538221
- Ganesh Singh Githala - Businessman from Bidoli, Sikar, Rajasthan
- Shiv Baksha Ram Mavliya
- Vikash Choudhary
External links
- Information on Bidoli village - website
- Delimitation Commission Report Sikar District
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