Bijendra Singh

Bijendra Singh (Thakurela) (बिजेन्द्र सिंह) is 3 times MLA from Iglas legislative constituency and Ex-MP of Aligarh in 2004-2009 from Indian National Congress.
He is resident of village Dhonda near Khair in Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh. He is currently District President of Aligarh from Indian National Congress.
Educational Qualifications
M.A., Diploma in Physical Education, Educated at Agra University and Nagpur University, Ambawati
- Permanent Address: 6, Kishor Nagar, ITI Road, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, Tels. (0571) 2406060, 2402020, 09410693399 (M)
- Present Address: 43-45, South Avenue, New Delhi - 110 011 Tels. (011) 23329414, 9868416555 (M)
External links
- Biographical Sketch Member of Parliament 14 th Lok Sabha
- [LOk Sabha website
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