
From Jatland Wiki
Location of Chandawal in Pali District

Chandawal (चण्डावल) or Chandawal Nagar (चण्डावल नगर) is a village in tehsil Sojat of Pali district in Rajasthan.


It is situated at a distance of 60 km from District Headquarter Pali on Delhi-Ahmedabad national highway-162. Chandawal Nagar is a middle point of three major cities of rajasthan Jodhpur, Beawer & pali. Village Name  : Chandawal Nagar Gram Panchayat : Chandawal Nagar Sub District  : Sojat City District  : Pali State  : Rajasthan Postal Code  : 306306 Constituency  : Sojat Parliament area: Pali


The Founders


This is an old historical village founded about 400 years back. Village gets name after Raja Chandrawal singh. Jats of Kulakdhania founded the temple of Murlidharji. It is situated in Murlidhar Chowk. There is a temple of Tejaji, Samdara Hanuman Ji, Thaneswar Mahadev also. The people of this village took part in India’s freedom movement. The Biggest Freedom fighter are Alishaan Mangilal Trivedi. The village area has 500 acres of agricultural land. This is a well-developed village.

Sir H. M. Elliot [1] mentions a city named Chandawal.... In A.H. 590 (1194 A.D.) he and 'Izzu-d din Husain Kharmil, both being generals of the army, accompanied the Sultan and defeated Rai Jai Chand of Benares in the neighbourhood of Chandawal. In the year 591 h. (1195 A.D.) Thankar was conquered; and in 593 h. (1197 A.D.) he went towards Nahrwala, defeated Rai Bhim-deo, and took revenge on the part of the Sultan. He also took other countries of Hindustan as far as the outskirts of the dominions of China on the east. Malik 'Izzu-d din Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khilji had subdued the districts of Bihar and Nudiya in those quarters, as will be related hereafter in the history of that general.

Jat Gotras

There are 1200 families residing in the village out of them 150 families are of Jat Gotras. The Jat Gotras inhabiting the village are Sail, Kulakdhania, Kagat, Chhaba, Pichkya, Karwa, Saran, Dara, Punia, Kamedia, Bhiu, Latiyal, Badiyasar etc.


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