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Joseph de Guignes or Deguignes (डिगायन) (19 October 1721 – 19 March 1800) was a French historian, orientalist, sinologist and Turkologist born at Pontoise, the son of Jean Louis de Guignes and Françoise Vaillant. He died at Paris. His Mémoire historique sur l'origine des Huns et des Turcs, published in 1748, earned him admission to the Royal Society of London in 1752, and he became an associate of the French Academy of Inscriptions in 1754.

Yuezhi and Jats

De Guignes[1], who has written history of China, describes about Jats and states that Jats were the followers of Buddhism. De Guignes says as quoted by Elphinstone "That De Guignes, mentions, on Chinese authorities, the conquest of the country of the Indus (river) by body of Yuezhi or Getae (Jats), and that there are still Jits (Jats) on both sides of that river". Elphinstone supports the above statement by saying "The account of De Guignes has every appearance of truth".[2]

James Todd[3] writes We must therefore voyage up the Indus, cross the Paropanisos, to the Oxus or Jihun, to Sakatai1 or Sakadwipa, and from thence and the Dasht-i Kipchak conduct the Takshaks, the Getae, the Kamari, the Chatti, and the Huns, into the plains of Hindustan. We have much to learn in these unexplored regions, the abode of ancient civilisation, and which, so late as Jenghiz Khan's invasion, abounded with large cities. It is an error to suppose that the nations of Higher Asia were merely pastoral ; and De Guignes, from original authorities, informs us that when the Su invaded the Yueh-chi or Jats, they found upwards of a hundred cities containing the merchandise of India, and with the currency bearing the effigies of the prince.

Su, Yuchi, or Yuti, are Getes according to De Guignes.

Here in 1764 the celebrated scholar Deguignes found the MS of book which the Abbé Renaudot published, in the year 1718, under the title "Anciennes Relations des Indes et de la Chine de deux voyageurs Mahométans qui y allerent dans le ixe siècle de notre ère."., and wrote more than one article upon it.[4]

Hukum Singh Panwar (Pauria) states - However, De Guines[5] attests that "the Jats were firmly established in Panjab in the 5th century A.D." Moreover, the discovery37 of inscriptions of the Jat rulers at various places in Rajasthan does prove that the Jats were there before the advent of the Huns and defeats the theory of the Hunic origin of the Jats, as an invention of some writers alluded to above. [6]

Suevi and Getes

James Todd[7] writes about the Suiones, Suevi, or Su that Now the Su, Yueh-chi, or Yuti, are Getes, according to De Guignes. Marco Polo calls Cashgar, where he was in the sixth century, the birthplace of the Swedes ; and De la Croix adds, that in 1691 Sparvenfeldt, the Swedish ambassador at Paris, told him he had read in Swedish chronicles that Cashgar was their country. When the Huns were chased from the north of China, the greater part retired into the southern countries adjoining Europe. The rest passed directly to the Oxus and Jaxartes ; thence they spread to the Caspian and Persian frontiers. In Mawaru-l-nahr (Transoxiana) they mixed with the Su, the Yueh-chi, or Getes, who were particularly powerful, and extended into Europe. One would be tempted to regard them as the ancestors of those Getes who were known in Europe. Some bands of Su might equally pass into the north of Europe, known as the Suevi. The meaning of Suevi is uncertain, but the word has no connexion with that of any Central Asian tribe.

Jat History

डिगायन - इसने चीन का इतिहास लिखा है और उसमें जाटों के सम्बन्ध में प्रकाश डाला है। यह भी लिखा है कि जाटों ने बौद्ध-धर्म स्वीकार कर लिया था। [8]

डिगायन - इसने चीन का इतिहास लिखा है जिसमें जाटों के सम्बन्ध में प्रकाश डाला है। इनके अतिरिक्त अनेक अरबी, फारसी, यूरोपियन और चीनी इतिहासों में जाटों के उपनिवेशों तथा उनके युद्धों का वर्णन है, जो कि उचित स्थान पर लिखा जाएगा।[9]

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