Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |
Dhillika (ढिल्लिका) was name of Delhi during medieval period.
Jat clans
Prof. B.S. Dhillon[1] writes.... Delhi: As the capital of India, it is also the country's third largest founded hundreds of years ago, Professor Qanungo [2] wrote, "It is not unlikely that this famous city derives its name from the Dhillon Jats, who are still found in large numbers in Delhi district". Dahiya [3] supports Qanungo's assertion by adding, "Its (Delhi's) old name was Dhillika as is recorded in the inscription of Someswara Chauhan, in 1169 A.D. Later on the suffix "ka" was deleted and the city was named Dhilli". A well known Indian historian, Romila Thapar [4], indirectly said that Delhi in the earlier times was called "Dhillika". However, she wrote, "The city of Dhillika (Delhi) was founded by the Tomaras in 736 A.D. The Tomaras were overthrown by the Chauhans". In order to point out that Tomar and Chauhans are also the clan names of the Jats, Dahiya [5] remarked, "For example, let us take the clan name Dahiya. Dahiyas in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bhilwara area of Rajasthan (Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan are the names of Indian Provinces) call themselves Jats. However, Dahiyas in Jodhpur area (Rajasthan) call themselves Rajputs (historical records show that some of the Rajputs also belong to the Jat background), and Dahiya is also the clan name of Gujars (these people are also related to the Jats). The same is true of other clan names like Tomar, Pawars, Dhanikhads, Bhattis, Johiyas, and so on".
As per Ferishta [6], a Persian writer of the early seventeenth century; "Dehloo (Dhillon in Punjabi is pronounced as "Dhilon" or "Dhilo") the uncle of the young king, aided by the nobles, having deposed him, ascended the musnud. This prince, as famous for his
History and study of the Jats:End of Page 103
justice as for his valour devoted his time to the good of his subjects, and built the city of Dehly". On the naming of the city of Delhi General Sir A. Cunningham [5] Director-General of the Archeological Survey of India, conducted a comprehensive study in 1860s and published his report in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
Sir Cunningham wrote, "According to a popular and well known tradition, Dilli or Dhilli (Delhi) was built by Rajah (king) Dilu or Dhilu, whose date is quite uncertain. This tradition was adopted by Ferishta [7] I confess, however, that I have but little faith in the dates of any Hindu untraditional stories, unless they can be supported by other testimony. That the city Dhilli was founded by a Rajah of similar name is probable enough, for it is the common custom in India, even at the present day, to name places after their founders". Taking all of the above factors into consideration, and being aware of the fact that in India, non-Jats never have clan names such as Dhilu, Dhilo, or Dhillon, it is probably safe to conclude that the city of Delhi was built by a Dhillon Jat king and also Dhillon Jats claim their origin from a king as per Rose [8].
Kumbhalgarh Inscription 1460 AD tells us about Dhilli (ढिल्ली) as under:
- "आलोडयासु सपादलक्षमखिलं जालान्धरान् कम्पयन्
- ढिल्ली शंकितनायकां व्यरचयन्नादाय शाकम्भरी ।
- पीरोजं स महामदं शरशतैरापात्य य: प्रोल्लसत्
- कुंतव्रात निपात दीर्ण ह्रदयां तस्यवधीद् दंतिन:। "[9][10] [11]
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[12] ने लेख किया है ...ढिल्लिका (AS, p.384) भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली का मध्य युगीन नाम है। 1327 ई. के एक अभिलेख में ढिल्लिका को 'हरियाना' प्रदेश के अंतर्गत बताया गया है- 'देशोस्ति हरियाणाख्या: पृथिव्यां स्वर्गसन्निभ:, ढिल्लिकाख्या पुरी यत्र तोमरैरस्ति निर्मिता।' अर्थात् "पृथिवी पर हरियाणा नामक स्वर्ग के समान देश है, यहाँ तोमर क्षत्रियों द्वारा निर्मित ढिल्लिका नाम की सुंदर नगरी है।"
सम्भवत: हरियाणा, दक्षिणी पंजाब, रोहतक, हिसार आदि का इलाका है, जो शायद 'अहीराना' का बिगड़ा रूप है। बाद के समय में ढिल्लिका नाम का संबंध एक कपोल कल्पित कथा से जोड़ दिया गया, जिसके अनुसार राजा अनंगपाल के शासन काल में लोहे की लाट (=महरौली चंद्र की लाट) के ढीली रह जाने के कारण ही इस नगरी को 'ढिल्लिका' या 'ढिल्ली' कहा गया। वास्तव में दिल्ली नाम की व्युत्पत्ति सर्वथा संदेहास्पद है, किंतु जैसा कि उपर्युक्त अभिलेख से प्रमाणित होता है, ढिल्लिका (या संभवत: ढिल्ली) नाम वास्तव में प्राचीन, कम से कम मध्य युगीन तो है ही। दिल्ली वास्तविक या मौलिक नाम का अनुसंधान करने में यह तथ्य बहुत सहायक सिद्ध होगा।
External links
- ↑ History and study of the Jats/Chapter 7,p.103-104
- ↑ Qanungo, K.R., History of the Jats, reprinted by the Sunita Publications, Delhi, India, 1987, pp. 173, first published in 1925.
- ↑ Dahiya, B.S., Jats: The Ancient Rulers, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, 1980, pp. 253, 71-72.
- ↑ Thapar, R., A History of India, Penguin Books, London, 1969, pp. 228-229, 70-71, 95-96, 337-339, 29.
- ↑ Dahiya, B.S., Jats: The Ancient Rulers, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, 1980, pp. 253, 71-72.
- ↑ Ferishta, M.K. (1612 A.D.), History of the Rise of the Mahomedan Power in India, translated by Lt. Col. Briggs, J. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London, 1829, pp. 1xxiii (Vol. I).
- ↑ Ferishta, M.K. (1612 A.D.), History of the Rise of the Mahomedan Power in India, translated by Lt. Col. Briggs, J. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London, 1829, pp. 1xxiii (Vol. I).
- ↑ Rose, H.A., A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, Vol. II, reprinted by Languages Department, Patiala, Punjab, 1970, pp. 237, first published in 1883.
- ↑ Epigraphia Indiaca, Vol.21,p278
- ↑ Kumbhalgarh Inscription 1460
- ↑ रतन लाल मिश्र:शेखावाटी का नवीन इतिहास, कुटीर प्रकाशन मंडावा, 1998, पृ. 101
- ↑ Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.384