Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Erandapalli (एरण्डपल्ली) was a kingdom of Dakshinapatha of which King Damana was defeated by Samudragupta. It has been identified with Erandol in the E. Khandesh district of the Bombay Presidency, present Jalgaon district of Maharashtra.
- Erandapalli (एरण्डपल्ली) (AS, p.110)
- Erandapalla (एरण्डपल्ल)
- Erandpalli
- Erandol एरंडोल (AS, p.110)
Tej Ram Sharma [1] writes that Erandapalla (एरण्डपल्ल) has been mentioned in Allahabad pillar inscription of Samudragupta (No.I, L. 19) :
It is mentioned in the list of countries of Southern region conquered by Samudragupta. Its ruler was Damana. Fleet identifies Erandapalla with Erandol in the E. Khandesh district of the Bombay Presidency. 450 K.N. Dikshit and Y.R. Gupte agreed with this view. 451 But according to Dubreuil and K.G. Sankar, it is the same as the town Erandpalli near Chicacole on the Coast of Orissa. 452 G, Ramdas opposes Fleet's identification on the ground that Erandapalli mentioned immediately after the kingdom of Svamidatta cannot be so far away on the western coast, it must have been in the vicinity of Kalinga and Pistapura kingdom. 453 Erandapalli is mentioned in the Siddhantam plates of Devendravarman of Kalinga. 454 Banerjee counts Damana of Erandapalla among the three chiefs of Kalinga who obstructed the passage of Samudragupta through their country. 455
G. Ramdas 456 regards Dubreuil's identification also to be incorrect because Chicacole lies in Kalinga which was clearly the country ruled by Svamidatta. Erandapalli will have, therefore, to be identified with the village Yendipalli in the Golgonda
246 Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions
Taluka of the Vizagapatam district or with the village Endapalli in Elore Taluka. 457 But if we suppose that Svamidatta was the king of Kottura alone and not of the whole of Kalinga, Erandapalli may well be identified with Chicacole. 458 Palla is the corrupt form of Palli which means an inhabitation and Eranda is the castor-oil-plant 459 It seems that the region abounded in eranda plants.
450. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London. 1898, pp. 369-70.
451. Selections From Sanskrit Inscriptions by D. B. Diskalkar. Vol. I, part II, p. 33.
452. Epigraphia Indica . XII, p, 212.
453. Indian Historical Quarterly, Calcutta. I. p. 682.
454. History of Orissa by R. D. Banerji. Vol. I, p. 116.
455. Ibid., p. 116.
456. Indian Historical Quarterly, Calcutta. I.p. 682.
457. The Vakatka-Gupta Age by R. C. Majumdar and A.S. Altekar. p. 145.
458. Selections From Sanskrit Inscriptions by D. B. Diskalkar. Vol. I, Part II, p. 33.
459. Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Monier Williams. p. 232, Col. I, Cf . निरस्त पादपे देशे एरण्डोअपि द्रुमायते Eranda seems to be a non-Aryan word.
विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[2] ने लेख किया है ...एरण्डपल्ली (AS, p.110) गुप्त सम्राट समुद्रगुप्त की प्रयाग प्रशस्ति में एरण्डपल्ली के राजा दमन के समुद्रगुप्त द्वारा पराजित होने का उल्लेख है- 'कौसलक महेन्द्र, महाकान्तार, व्याध्रराज, कौसलक मंटराज, पैष्ठपुरक महेन्द्र, गिरिकोट्टूरक स्वामिदत्त, एरंडपल्लक दमन-प्रभृति सर्वदक्षिणपथराजागृहणमोक्षानुग्रहजनितप्रतापोन्मिश्र महाभाग्यस्य...'
एरण्डपल्ली नगर का अभिज्ञान ज़िला विशाखापत्तनम (प्राचीन विजिगापट्टम्) आंध्र प्रदेश में स्थित इसी नाम के स्थान के साथ किया गया है। पहले कुछ विद्वानों ने पूर्व खानदेश में स्थित एरंडोल को ही एरंडपल्ली मान लिया था। यह मत अब ग्राह्य नहीं है।