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Gopalavarman (गोपालवर्मन) (902-904)[1] was an Utpal clan ruler of Kashmir in 10th century. He was son of Unmattavanti.

Genealogy of Utpala dynasty

The Genealogy of Utpala dynasty is: Utpalaka or UtpalaSukhavarmanAvantivarman (855) → Shankaravarman (A.D. 883 to 901) → Raja Parth (906-921) → Unmattavanti (937 AD) → Suravarman (939 AD) → Gopalavarman (S/O Shankaravarman)


Rajatarangini[2] tells us that Gopalavarmma began to reign under the direction of his mother Sugandha as he was yet a boy. He reigned for two years. The dynasty of Shangkaravarmma being now extinct, the queen Sugandha at the request of the subjects began to reign herself. She built a town named Gopalapura, a temple Gopalamatha, and a god Gopalakeshava ; and another town named after her. Sugandha reigned for two years with the help of her Ekānggas.

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