Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Gorsari (गोरसरी) is a village in Ramnagar tahsil in Satna district in Madhya Pradesh. It is located on Ram Van Gaman Path.
- Gorsari Ghat (गोरसरी)
Gorsari is a Village in Ramnagar Tehsil in Satna District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Rewa Division . It is located 52 KM towards South from District head quarters Satna. 8 KM from Ramnagar. Gorsari Pin code is 485881 and postal head office is Ramnagar. Chandwar (2 km) , Mankahari (4 km) , Bharatpur (4 km) , Badwar ( 5 km) , Bamhanadi ( 6km) are the nearby Villages to Gorsari. Gorsari is surrounded by Amarpatan Tehsil towards North , Maihar Tehsil towards west , Beohari Tehsil towards East , Rampur Baghelan Tehsil towards North.[1]
Gorsari is beautiful village lies under amarpatan tehsheel of satna district it can be a beautiful tourists destination as it is surrounded by a camore hill and jungles also very famous touring priorities like sharda mata mandir - maihar, bandhavgadh national park, Khajuraho, chitrkoot etc. are the near equidistant near by places to the village. (history) The village previously has been the princely province of 17 villages of Baghel rajputs dived from the rewa riyasat known as Ilaka (shree Tilakraj Singh Baghel was the last Ilakedar of this Ilaka) his dynasty heirs are still the major leaders of the village some Parihar Rajputs are also in the competition migrated from the Nagod (Pratihar (parihar) princely state).
Gorsari had been a rolyal place and had many proud full incidences related to the rajput rulers of hear. Here you will get to see a fort belonging to rajput rulers decorated with horns and heads of wild animals also a great temple built by rulers, bavri, a huge garden with lots of mango trees etc. The village has different weather conditions and excellent farming area with black soil. Its a wonderful village to visit one will get absolutely tempted by the natural justification with this village and also curious about exploring various royal and proud full history of this village.[2]
नारायण देव मंदिर

गोरसरी मध्य प्रदेश के दधीचियों का गांव है. यहाँ नारायण देव मंदिर स्थित है. यह मंदिर दशकों पुराना है. इसका कोई ज्ञात इतिहास नहीं है लेकिन भगवान श्री विष्णु की इस पावन मूर्ति में चौबीस अवतारों के दर्शन हो जाते हैं. ग्रामीण बताते हैं कि तकरीबन 8 फिट के प्रस्तर में प्रधान प्रतिमा है. जिसमें भगवान नारायण चतुर्भुज अवतार में विराजे हुए हैं. जिसके चारों तरफ चौबीस अवतारों की प्रतिमाएं हैं. इसके अलावा दाहिने तरफ शिवलिंग और बायीं ओर अन्य प्रतिमा भी गर्भगृह में स्थापित हैं. इस मंदिर की प्रतिमा की स्थापना को लेकर कोई लिखित प्रमाण की जानकारी गांव वालों को नहीं है लेकिन बुजुर्गों से सुनी-सुनाई के बीच में यही बताया गया कि अर्सा पहले लबाना जाति के लोग इस प्रतिमा को ले जा रहे थे. जहां आज मूर्ति स्थापित है वहीं उनकी बैलगाड़ी खराब हो गई थी. बैलगाड़ी के खराब होने के बाद मूर्ति को यहीं रखा गया था और जब वह बन गई तो मूर्ति को बैलगाड़ी में लादने का प्रयास किया था, पर मूर्ति अपनी जगह से हिली नहीं. ऐसे में लबानाओं ने वहीं मूर्ति की स्थापना कर दी.[3]