Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions
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Concept Publishing Company Delhi, 1978
The full text of this book may be read here. Text has been converted into Wiki format by Laxman Burdak |
- Foreword ... vii
- Preface ...xiii
- Coded Abbreviations ...xvii
- Code of Inscriptions ...xxiii
- Transliteration Table ...xxvii
Part One - Personal Names
- Prologue ...3
- Names of Local Officers ...56
- Epic and Puranic Names ...96
- Names of Women ...103
- Conclusion I ...106
Part two - Names Of The Tribes
- Prologue II ...121
- Tribes ...125
- Conclusion II ...176
Part three - Names of Places, Rivers & Mountains
- Prologue III ...203
- Conclusion III ...305
- I A Note on the King Candra of the Meharaull Iron Pillar Inscription ...309
- II A Note on the Name of the Mother of Budhagupta and Narasirhhagupta ...314
- III Explanation of the Passage "Paistapuraka-Mahendragiri-kautturaka-svamidatta" ...316
- IV Explanation of the Expression "Daivaputrasahisahanusahi" ...318
- V The Rivers of Junagarh ...321
- Bibliography ...324
- List of Plates ...360
- Index ...361
Maps and Plates
- India in the Gupta age ...xxviii
- The Rivers of Junagarh ...322
- Plates Facing page ...360
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