
Hudeel (हुडील), is a village in Nawa tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
Pincode of the village is 341509. It is situated 54 kms away from Nawa town and 155 kms away from Nagaur city. Being a large village, Hudeel has its own gram panchayat. Charanwas, Lalas and Khorandi are the nearby villages.
Jat gotras
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 611 families residing, Hudeel village has the population of 3216 (of which 1637 are males while 1579 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- Bhanwar Lal Bijarnia (भँवरलाल बिजारणिया) is writer and editor. He is Prachar Sampadak of monthly magazine 'Jatbandhu' Agra. He is employed in National Seeds Corporation of India, Sikar.
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