
Jhar (झर) near Sandala (संदला) is a village in Ratlam tahsil in Ratlam district in Madhya Pradesh. It is one of the most ancient towns of Ratlam district. There is Bijakhof on the hill top. .
It is situated in southeast of Ratlam city. Jhar is located 12 kms east of Bhatpachalana in Ratlam diatrict of Madhya Pradesh. It is connected with kachcha road with Laptiya-Sandala.
Jhar means a 'water spring'. The name jhar probably has been assigned to this place due to Jharana on the site. Jhar possesses the ruins of Shiva temple of bhumja style which are assigned to Paramara period. i,e. 11th century AD. The sculptures of this temple are lying scattered around it. The site has been brought to notice through an article published by Dr S K Arya and Shri G V B Reddy of Vikram University, Ujjain. [1]
Its population is about 550 persons.
Jat Gotras
As per Veer Jat Parichayavali, Anand Prakashan Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh), the gotra wise population of Jats, including that of women, living in the village is as under:
Baeeda 4, Bardawa 2, Bhabhariya 1, Bhakar 1, Bhichar 1, Bhuwanda 1, Chharul 1, Daga 1, Dantoriya 4, Dayma 1, Devanda 1, Dhaka 1, Donga 8, Dotad 1, Gadwar 1, Gaina 1, Godara 2, Guleriya 1, Guwarwa 2, Inaniya 2, Jakhar 2, Jandu 3, Jhajda 2, Karwada 1, Khileri 2, Khoja 57, Khurkhadiya 2, Latiyar 3, Looka 8, Mandwa 1, Mundel 1, Nardaniya 1, Nehra 1, Panga 1, Pareriya 2, Payal 1, Rad 36, Ratiwar 2, Roj 11, Sarag 1, Saran 1, Tada 1, Tandi 3, Vadiyar 2, Varda 2, Vaswana 1,
Notable persons
External links
- ↑ Dr Ajit Raizada: Art,Archaeology and History of Ratlam, Sharada Prakashan Delhi, 1992, ISBN 81-85320-14-4, p.21
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