Kheenwasar Laxmangarh
Note - Please click → Khinwasar for details of similarly named villages at other places.

Khinwasar (खींवासर) Kheenwasar (खींवासर) Khiwasar (खीवासर) is a village in Laxmangarh tehsil in Sikar district of Rajasthan state in India.
It is located at a distance of 15 km east of Laxmangarh.
The Founders
It gets name from the founder person named Khinwa Thori, a Hindu Jat, about 200 years back. Village has got some signs of old habitations.
Jat Gotras
It has a population of about 2000 people out of which 1000 people are Jats. Major Jat gotra of the village is Chilka about 100 families. All Chilka people are believed to have spread from this village. The Jat Gotras living in the village with number of families are:
Other castes are Rajput (15), Brahman (1), Muslim (50), Harijan (50), Gusain (20) and Meena (1).
Notable persons
- Jaipal Singh Chalka - From Chalka Ki Dhani, Khinwasar, Lakshmangarh, Sikar, Rajasthan. Martyr of Kargil war on 22 July 1999.
- Arvind Kumar Mahala - Lecturer College Education, Date of Birth : 1-July-1973, VPO. Khinwasar via Bidasar Distt. Sikar, Present Address : Near Rly Hospital, Kailash Nagar Piparali Road, Sikar, Phone: 01572-259871, Mob: 9414558554
- Dr. Mahendra Kumar Chalka - Assistant Manager SHRIRAM FERT. & CHEMICALS , Date of Birth : 1-July-1976, VPO- Khinwasar, via - Bidasar, tah.- Laxmangarh, dist.-Sikar, Raj. Ph 01573-293086, Present Address : 301,Mahima Heritage, B-10, Central Spine ,Vidhadhar Nagar, Jaipur. Phone : 0141 - 2230343, Mob: 9413346185, Email:
- Omprakash Chalka - Principal School Education, Date of Birth : 1-September-1955, Village: Khinwasar, Post: Bidasar,Teh.: -Lachhmangarh, Distt. - Sikar, Rajasthan, Present Address : O P Chalka c/o Chandra Singh, Janta Colony ,Nawalgarh Road, Sikar, Phone Number : 01572-249072, Mob: 9413011244, Email:
- Sant Kumar Chalka - Gen. Manager TATA Telecom., Date of Birth : 1-September-1971, Village: Khinwasar,Post: Bidasar,Teh.: -Lachhmangarh, Distt. - Sikar, Rajasthan, Present Address : G-1, Kaushlya Apartments, Scheme No.8, Gandhi Path, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, Mob: 9225609586
- रामधन खींवासर - 15 जून 1946 को झुंझुनू में किसान कार्यकर्ताओं की एक बैठक चौधरी घासी राम ने बुलाई. शेखावाटी के प्रमुख कार्यकर्ताओं ने इसमें भाग लिया. अध्यक्षता विद्याधर कुलहरी ने की. इसमें यह उभर कर आया कि भविष्य में समाजवादी विचारधारा को अपनाया जाये. जिन व्यक्तियों ने किसान सभा का अनुमादन किया उनमें आप भी सम्मिलित थे. (राजेन्द्र कसवा, p. 201-03).
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