Lamba Jatan

Lamba Jatan (लाम्बा जाटान) is a large village in Merta tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
It is located between Merta and Gotan. One can reach from Gotan or Merta city.
Pincode of the village is 341510. It is situated 18km away from Merta town (in west direction) and 70km away from Nagaur city. Being a large village, Lamba Jatan has its own gram panchayat. Indokiya Was, Dhanapa and Gangarda are some of the neighbouring villages.
Jat Gotras
Percentage of castes is: Jats 50 %, and remaining others.
Local tradition says that there used to live a Brahman named Lumba Ram in an Ashram. Later Jats came and settled here. So the habitation was known as Lamba Jatan.
According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 999 families residing, Lamba Jatan village has the population of 5562 (of which 2894 are males while 2668 are females).[1]
Notable persons
- Raghuvir Singh Kherwa: MD & Chairman of Alimmco Kanpur, Served in BHEL Haridwar for 32 years, Retred as GM. Now social service at village.
- Lala Ram Bhambu - Ex. Sarpanch. He was also up-pradhan Merta Samiti
- Dhaukal Ram Bhambu - Ex. Sarpanch
- Dr Mamta Chaudhary - CMO. Mob: 9414607369
- Jiwa Ram Danga - Lamba Jatan. Ph:01591-277006
There are 5 temples, One Sati sthal, One Samadhi of Garbnathji, Math and Pawani Dham.
External Links
- Raghuvir Singh Kherwa:Jat Samaj, Agra, Oct-Nov 2002, p.10
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