Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Lepakshi (लेपाक्षी) is a village in the Sri Sathya Sai district (earlier in Anantapur district) of Andhra Pradesh, India.[1] The famous Veerabhadra Temple is located in the village. It is located on Ram Van Gaman Path
- Le Pakshi
- Telugu: లేపాక్షి (लेपाक्षि)
It is located 15 km east of Hindupur and approximately 82 km west of Kadiri and 120 km north of Bangalore.
Veerabhadra temple Lepakshi

Veerabhadra temple in Lepakshi is located near Anantapur which is 15 km east of Hindupur in the Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh in southeastern India. Bangalore is the nearest large city.
The temple, a wonderful example of the Vijayanagara Architecture style and art, was built in the 16th century and sits on a mount. The presiding deity is Veerabhadra.[2]
In the exquisite shrine is a wealth of magnificent sculpture in the intricate mandapams. One mandapam has pillars with life-sized images of dancers, musicians and other sculptures, created by the artisans of the Vijayanagar empire. The huge granite Nandi Bull is carved out of a single stone. The ceilings have breathtakingly beautiful mural paintings.[3]
The temple is dedicated to the Virabhadra, a fierce incarnation of Lord Shiva. Built in the 16th century, the architectural features of the temple are in the Vijayanagara style with profusion of carvings and paintings at almost every exposed surface of the temple. It is one of the centrally protected monuments of national importance and is considered one of the most spectacular Vijayanagara temples.[4][5] The fresco paintings are particularly detailed in very bright dresses and colours with scenes of Rama and Krishna from the epic stories of the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Puranas and they are well preserved. There is a very large Nandi (bull), mount of Shiva, about 200 metres (660 ft) away from the temple which is carved from a single block of stone, which is said to be one of the largest of its type in the world. The temple is home to many Kannada inscriptions as its located close to Karnataka border.
Replete with idols of Nandi, Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesha, Bhadrakali, etc., the typical Vijayanagara architectural style is very evident all over the temple with its awe-inspiring sculptures and detailed paintings on the walls and ceiling. The sculptures of gods, goddesses, musicians and dancers are similar to what one would find in the more famous Hampi. The various artworks showcase tales from the epics and the Puranas. These include a 24-feet-by-14-feet fresco of the fourteen avatars of Shiva (one of them being Veerabhadra) on the ceiling. And the deity of course — almost life-sized, armed and fierce, with a garland of skulls![6]
History: The temple was built in 1530 AD (1540 AD is also mentioned[7]) by Virupanna Nayaka and Viranna , both brothers who were Governors under the Vijayanagar Empire during the reign of King Achutaraya, at Penukonda who were native to Karnataka. The temple consists only Kannada inscriptions The cost of building the temple was defrayed by the government.[8] According to Skanda Purana, the temple is one of the divyakshetras, an important pilgrimage site of Lord Shiva.[9]
The legend
The legend: The significance of the place dates back to the Indian epic Ramayana. It is believed that the bird Jatayu, wounded by the king of Lanka Ravana, fell here after a battle against the king who was carrying away Sita, the wife of Rama, the king of Ayodhya. When Rama reached the spot, he saw the bird and said compassionately to him, “ Le Pakshi” — meaning “arise, bird” in Telugu.[10]
Situated in Andhra Pradesh, Lepakshi is today a famous tourist site for the galore of temples it is decorated with. A part of the art and culture loving Vijaynagar empire, it houses the Veerbhadra temple and believe it or not, this temple has a hanging pillar, whose mystery confounds all those that visit it. The place is known for mural paintings of the Vijayanagar kings along with age-old Kannada inscriptions on the walls.
Filled with mysteries, legends and tales, they say that "every stone has a story to tell here" and "every pillar has a connection with an epic". The Lepakshi temple is situated on a low rocky hill called Kurmasaila, strangely resembling a tortoise. Decorated with magnificence of the Vijayanagara style of architecture, some noteworthy places to visit are the 100-pillared Natya Mandapa with intricately carved pillars and exquisite sculptures, timeless and beauteous paintings on ceilings and colossus sculptures of monolithic Nandi and Nagalinga. Also, don't miss out shopping on the precious and intricately carved handicrafts of Lepakhi. Wood-work statues, Etikoppaka and Kondapalli toys, Kalamkari paintings, leather puppets, it has it all.
Though there is some dispute regarding where Jatayu exactly fell, as some claim it to have been in Chadayamangalam, Kollam Kerala, where the gigantic and magnificent bird sculpture has been made, nonetheless, this place has a unique charm and beauty.
लेपाक्षी भारत के आन्ध्र प्रदेश राज्य के श्री सत्य साई ज़िले में स्थित एक गाँव है। यह इसी नाम के मण्डल का मुख्यालय भी है। यह हिन्दूपुर से 15 किमी पूर्व में तथा बंगलुरु से 120 किमी उत्तर में स्थित है। यह स्थान सांस्कृतिक एवं पुरातात्विक दृष्टि से महत्वपूर्ण है। यहाँ विजयनगर साम्राज्य के काल (1336–1646) में निर्मित शिव, विष्णु एवं वीरभद्र के कई मन्दिर हैं।
वीरभद्र मंदिर (लेपाक्षी
वीरभद्र मंदिर आंध्र-प्रदेश (भारत) राज्य के लेपाक्षी ग्राम में स्थित एक हिंदू मंदिर है। यह मंदिर भगवान शिव के रुद्र अवतार वीरभद्र को समर्पित है। 16 वीं शताब्दी में निर्मित इस मंदिर का स्थापत्य वैशिष्ट्य विजयनगर शैली में बनाया गया है। इस मंदिर की लगभग हर खुली सतह पर नक्काशी और चित्रों की प्रचुरता है। यह राष्ट्रीय महत्व के केंद्रीय रूप से संरक्षित स्मारकों में से एक है। इसे सबसे शानदार विजयनगर मंदिरों में से एक माना जाता है। भित्ति-चित्र में राम और कृष्ण के चित्रों को चमकीले कपड़ों तथा रँगों में दर्शाया गया है। मंदिर में एक बहुत बड़ा नंदी (बैल), शिव-पर्वत है, जो मंदिर से लगभग 200 मीटर दूर है। यह मंदिर कई कन्नड़ शिलालेखों का गृह है क्योंकि यह कर्नाटक सीमा के समीप स्थित है।
स्थान: मंदिर को लेपाक्षी शहर के दक्षिणी किनारे पर, ग्रेनाइट चट्टान की कम ऊँचाई वाली पहाड़ी पर बनाया गया है। वह एक कछुए के आकार का है इसलिए इसे 'कूर्मा सैला' के नाम से जाना जाता है। यह बंगलुरु से 140 कि.मी. दूर है।
इतिहास: मंदिर का निर्माण 1530 ईस्वी में वीरुपन्ना नायक और वीरन्ना द्वारा किया गया था। वे दोनों भाई पेनुकोंडा में राजा अच्युतराय के शासनकाल के दौरान विजयनगर साम्राज्य के अधीन राज्यपाल थे। इस मंदिर में केवल कन्नड़ शिलालेख हैं। स्कंद पुराण के अनुसार यह मंदिर दिव्यक्षेत्रों में से एक है। यह भगवान शिव का एक महत्वपूर्ण तीर्थ स्थल है।
External links
- ↑ "Anantapur District Mandals" (PDF). Census of India. p. 430.
- ↑ http://www.anantapur.com/travel/lepakshi.html
- ↑ http://www.templenet.com/Andhra/veerlepa.html
- ↑ "Centrally Protected Monuments". Archeological Survey of India.
- ↑ Dallapiccola, Anna Libera; Majlis, Brigitte Khan; Michell, George (2019). Lepakshi: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting. Niyogi Books. ISBN 978-93-86906-90-8.
- ↑ https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/schools/the-hanging-pillar-of%C2%A0-veerabhadra-temple-114744
- ↑ Michell, George (1 May 2013). Southern India: A Guide to Monuments Sites & Museums. Roli Books Private Limited. ISBN 978-81-7436-903-1.
- ↑ Michell, George (1 May 2013). Southern India: A Guide to Monuments Sites & Museums. Roli Books Private Limited. ISBN 978-81-7436-903-1.
- ↑ Knapp, Stephen (1 January 2009). Spiritual India Handbook. Jaico Publishing House. ISBN 978-81-8495-024-3,pp.608-609
- ↑ https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/andhra-pradesh/lepakshi-nandi-veerabhadra-temple-on-unesco-world-heritage-tentative-list/article65271080.ece