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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Magadhapura (मगधपुर) was another name of Rajagaha, the ancient name for Rajgir in Bihar. It was capital of Jarasandha during Mahabharata period.



Magadhapura (मगधपुर) is another name of Rājagaha, the ancient name for Rajgir. Hathīgumpha Inscription of Khāravela mentions the city Rājagaha, modern Rajgir, about fourteen miles south-west of the town of Bihar Sharif in the Bihar sub-division of Patna district. [1][2]

Māgadhapura (मागधपुर) is another name for Girivraja or Giribbaja: an ancient capital of Magadha, one of the sixteen Mahājanapadas of the Majjhimadesa (Middle Country) of ancient India, according to the Mahābhārata. Early Pāli literature abounds in information about the Magadha country, its people, and its ancient capital Giribbaja. Magadha roughly corresponds to the modern Patna and Gayā districts of Bihar. The Mahābhārata seems to record that Girivraja was also called Bārhadrathapura as well as Māgadhapura and that Māgadhapura was a well-fortified city being protected by five hills. Other names recorded in the Mahābhārata are Varaha, Vrishabha, Rishigiri, and Chaityaka. The statement of the Mahābhārata that Girivraja was protected by five hills is strikingly confirmed by the Vimānavatthu Commentary in which we read that the city of Giribbaja was encircled by the mountains Isigili, Vepulla, Vebhara, Paṇḍava and Gijjhakūṭa. [3][4]

In Mahabharata

Magadhapura (मगधपुर) in Mahabharata (II.18.30), (II.19.12)

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 18 mentions Krishna, Bhima and Arjuna's journey to Magadha for destruction of Jarasandha. Magadhapura (मगधपुर) is mentioned in Mahabharata (II.18.30). [5]...At last those heroes of unfaded glory arrived at Magadha in the heart of (the country of) Kushamba. Reaching then the hills of Goratha (Gorathagiri), they saw the city of Magadha (Magadhapura) that was always filled with kine and wealth and water and rendered handsome with the innumerable trees standing there.

Sabha Parva, Mahabharata/Book II Chapter 19 mentions that Krishna, Bhima and Arjuna attacked Girivraja to kill Jarasandha. Magadhapura (मगधपुर) is mentioned in Mahabharata (II.19.12). [6]....Thus saying those brothers of abundant energy, viz., he of the Vrishni race and the two Pandavas entered the city of Magadha (Magadhapura). They then approached towards the impregnable city of Girivraja that was full of cheerful and well-fed inhabitants belonging to all the four orders, and where festivities were perennial.


मगधपुर (AS, p.693): गिरिव्रज को महा0 सभा0 20,30 में मगधपुर कहा गया है जहाँ जरासंध की राजधानी थी--'गोरथं गिरिमासाद्य ददृशुर्मागधं पुरम्'- (दे. मगध, गिरिव्रज)[7]

External links


  1. Source: Geography in Ancient Indian inscriptions
  3. Source: Ancient Buddhist Texts: Geography of Early Buddhism
  5. ते शश्वद गॊधनाकीर्णम अम्बुमन्तं शुभद्रुतम, गॊरथं गिरिम आसाद्य ददृशुर मागधं पुरम (II.18.30)
  6. एवम उक्त्वा ततः सर्वे भ्रात्रॊ विपुलौजसः, वार्ष्णेयः पाण्डवेयौ च परतस्थुर मागधं पुरम
  7. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.693