Matindu (मटिण्डू) is a village in Sonipat district in Haryana.
It is 20 kilometer from Auchandi border (Delhi) and 50 kilometers from Raj Ghat, Delhi. Nearby village is Kharkhoda.
Matindu village is in the proximity of Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Expressway (also known as Western Peripheral Expressway). A car Manufacturing plant by Maruti-Suzuki will soon be functional near Matindu, hence more prosperity will be coming to this area.
Matindu village is about 800 years old. Dahiyas of Matindu village came from Sisana, which is head village of Dahiyas. All 42 villages of Rohtak/Sonipat area spread from Barona. They came to Barona from Dadrerra/Hatra/Churu-Ganganagar. They lived there for long time. There Dahiyas came from Dahiya Barr near Harappa situated between Multan and Sialkot. Dahiya Jats came there about 400 AD or beyond. They came to Dahiya Barr from Susa/Suss/Iranian cities. They came to Susa from Dahia near Fargana before 3300-3500 BC. [1]
Jat Gotras
It is one of the famous village of prosperous Dahiya Jats.
Notable Persons
- Piru Singh Dahiya - It is famous for Gurukul Matindu estt.1914 by Shri Piru Singh Dahiya.
- Sanjay Dahiya - Participated in Bharat Kesri Wrestling competition.
- Asha (Dahiya) Hooda - Bhupender Singh Hooda, former CM of Haryana, is married in this village. Smt Asha Hooda (wife of Bhupender Singh Hooda), is daughter of this village.
- Krishna Chander Dahiya - Krishna Chander Dahiya is author of book - Jat Iran Sumer and Indus Civilization.
External Links
- ↑ Krishna Chander Dahiya: Jat Iran Sumer and Indus Civilization, p. 287
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