Mausam Sherawat
Mausam Sherawat belongs to Nangal Dewat , Delhi which is primarily of Sherawat gotra of Jats.

At present Mausam Sherawat is working as Officiating President at Delhi Amateur Boxing Association (DABA). This 36 year old with his educational background of College and Post graduation degree in Hospitality And Human Resource Management from Edith Cowan University,Perth , Western Australia has been always inclined towards sports activities. He is brother of Sarika Sehrawat, India's first woman car racer.
From playing the National Roller Hockey representing the Delhi State at the school time and also participating 3 times back to back in the Republic Day Parade Contingent of year 1996,96 & 97 representing his school Bhatnagar International School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. Mausam belongs to village Nangal Dewat, Vasant Kunj, Delhi.His father’s name is Ch. Ram Narain Sehrawat(Advocate &Ex-Chairman of Mehrauli Block Samiti,Delhi) and mother’s name is Smt Shakuntla Devi.

He started by being a member of Delhi Amateur Boxing Association (DABA) in the year 2010 after completing his studies from Australia as South-West District President for a period of 3 years.As a committed sportsman he worked hard and with all his efficiency from organising Delhi State Boxing Championship of Senior, Junior &Sub junior categories.His hard work paid off in year 2013 when he was made the Vice -President of Delhi Amateur Boxing Association (DABA). He undoubtedly kept his belief and dedication for the Boxing fraternity & to take Delhi State team at the National level by organising Delhi State Boxing Championships in the year 2014,15,16 & 17. On 3rd march 2019 DABA elections were held after a period of 5 years which were conducted by Boxing Federation of India. He was made the Officating President for the period of 2019-2023 with additional post of Vice President. He is highly grateful to both these dignatries for their time and help to support the Delhi Amateur Boxing Association (DABA). Mausam has recently affirmed that this all would not have been possible without the sincere help by Shri Abishek Matoria (MLA, Nohar , Rajasthan & Ex -President of Indian Amateur Boxing Federation (IABF) ,also Shri Ramesh Bidhuri (MP,South Delhi) along with Shri Rohit Jain (President DABA) and Shri DN Yadav (Secretary DABA).
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