Mirpur Kashmir
- Note - Please click → Mirpur for details of similarly named villages at other places.
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.) |

Mirpur (मीरपुर) is the chief town of Mirpur District, Azad Kashmir.
Jat clans
- Kalyal : Kalyal are Chandravanshi Jats.Mojority of Kalyal population is Muslim but some also follow Hindu and Sikh religion.Like some other clans of Mirpur and Pothwar there are Rajput also.
- Dhamial : Dhamial claim origin from Janjua Rajputs. Dhamial are status of both Jats and Rajputs. They are also written as Dhamyal.
- Rachyal : Rachyal is branch of Katoch Rajputs. They are found throughout Azad Kashmir and Pothwar regions.
- Bhatti : They are Chandravanshi Jats and one of the largest Jat clans of region. Branches of Bhattis include Kalyal, Salyal, Gangal etc.
- Chouhan : Chouhan is Agnivanshi Jat clan. Chouhan is also one of the largest clan of the regions. Chouhan constituted of Muslim, Hindu and Sikh populations throughout the region. Muslims Chouhans married with clans such as Bhatti, Kalyal, Bangial, Badhan, Nagyal, Ranyal, Rachyal etc. Chouhans are also found in Rajputs and Gujjars.
- Thathaal : They are tribe of both Jat and Rajput status, found in the area between Salt Range, Gujrat, Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Narowal , and in Azad Kashmir.
- Salyal : Salyal are Chandravanshi Jats.They are branch of Bhatti Jats. Majority of them are Sikhs. Some Salyal are also Rajputs. Before partition they were found in Mirpur and Pothwar regions and married with other Sikh Jat clans such as Kalyal, Bangial, Gill, Badhan etc.
- Gangal : They are branch of Bhatti Jats. Muslim Gangal are found throughout Azad Kashmir and Pothwar while Hindu Gangal are found in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir. Some Gangals also claim to be Rajputs. They are sometimes also written as Gungal, Gangyal and Gangwal depending upon pronunciation in regions they reside.
- Nagyal : Nagyal Claim Minhas Rajput ancestory.They are mainly Muslims but they follow Hindu and Sikh religion.Sikh Nagyals migrated to Punjab and Haryana regions of India while Hindu Nagyals migrated to Indian Jammu and Kashmir. They also claim to be Rajputs and half of them are Rajputs and half are Jats.
- Bangial : Bangial claim Parmar Rajput ancestory.Majority of them are Muslims but some also follow Hindu and Sikh religion.Sikh Bangial are mostly Sandal Bangial. They are found in Mirpur and Pothwar areas. Half of them are Jats and half are Rajputs.
- Arnyal : Arnyal is Muslim Jat Gotra in Mirpur and Kotli areas.
- Langrial : Some Langrial are Jats while other claim to be Rajput and Arabs.
- Badhan : Badhan or Pakhai is tribe of Jats claiming to be of Saroa Rajput ancestor.Their ancestor was Kala a resident of Jammu. Majority of Badhans are Jats while there are some Badhan Rajputs also.
- Kanial : Kanyal is a Muslim Jat Gotras found in Pakistan.
- Gill : Gills in one of the largest gotra of Jats.Before partition Gills that lived in Mirpur were Sikh Jats and married with other Sikh Jat Gotras such as Chouhan, Badhan, Salyal, Kalyal, Nagra, Chahal, Bangial etc.
- Nagra : Nagras found in Mirpur were mainly Sikhs.
Some of these Gotras migrated to Jammu and Kashmir after partition which were mainly Sikh and Hindu Jats and Muslim Jats migrated to these ares from Jammu and Kashmir.