
Mudiyapura (मुडियापुरा) is a medium-size village in Bah tahsil of Agra district in Uttar Pradesh.
The village has its own post office and the pin code of Mudiyapura village is 283104. The village comes under Mudiyapura panchayat. Bah is the sub district head quarter and the distance from the village is 10 km. District head quarter of the village is Agra which is 80 km away. Bhaupura, Narholi and Parbatipura are some of the nearby villages.
Jat Gotras
Population of Mudiyapura according to Census 2011, stood at 1124 (Males: 620, Females: 504).[1]
Notable persons
- Govardhan Singh Indolia (born:1899-) (चौधरी गोवर्धनसिंह खरेटावाले) from Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. He was born at village Mudiyapura, Bah, district Agra in the family of Thakur Peetam Singh of Indolia Jat Gotra. [2]
- Ram Singh Indolia (ठाकुर रामसिंह), from Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. He was born at village Mudiyapura, Bah, district Agra in the family of Thakur Balu Ram of Indolia Jat Gotra.[3]
- Fatah Singh Thakur (ठाकुर फतहसिंह), from Bharatpur was a Social worker in Rajasthan. He was born at village Mudiyapura, Bah, district Agra in the family of Thakur Samal Singh.[4]
External links
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