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Author: Laxman Burdak IFS (R)

Location of Narlai in Pali District

Narlai (नाड़लाई) (Nadlai) is a village in Desuri Tahsil of Pali district in Rajasthan. It was associated with Jainism at least from 10th century.


  • Nadalai (नादलाई), राज, (AS, p.491)


Its ancient name Nadduladagika (नड़ड़ूलड़ागिका), Naddulai (नड़ड़ूलाई), Nandakulavati, Naradapuri etc. There are two principal temples of Neminatha and Adinatha. [1]


It is situated on Desuri to Nadol road about 15 km in north-west.


There is one ancient Jaina Temple here. Nadlai bears an Inscription of v.s. 1686 (=1629 AD) . This tells us that the temple was originally built by Samprati Maurya, grandson of Ashoka Maurya. Samprati has been mentioned as Jaina Ashoka as per Jaina traditions. [2] The Nadlai Inscription of v.s. 1686 (=1629 AD) mentions him as Jnyataraja (ज्ञातराज श्री सम्प्रति निर्म्मापित श्री जेरपाल पर्वतस्य). Gyata is considered to be the original word from which developed Jata (जाट). Hence it is important from study and research point of view of Jat history.


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[3] ने लेख किया है ...नाडलई (AS, p.491) जोधपुर ज़िला, राजस्थान का एक ऐतिहासिक स्थान है। एक प्राचीन जैन मंदिर के लिए यह स्थान मुख्य रूप से उल्लेखनीय है। यहाँ के मंदिर पर विक्रम संवत 1686 (=1629 ई.) का एक अभिलेख अंकित है, जिससे ज्ञात होता है कि इस मंदिर का निर्माण मूलत: मौर्य सम्राट अशोक के पौत्र सम्प्रति द्वारा करवाया गया था। संप्रति को जैन परम्परा में 'जैन अशोक' कहा गया है।

VII Nadlai Stone Inscription of Rayapala S.V. 1189 (1133 AD)

Sanskrit Text
1. ओं. || सवंत् 1189 माधसुदि पंचम्‍यां श्रीचाहमानान्‍वय (|) श्रीमहाराजाधिराज [रायपा]ल (|)
2. देव तस्‍य पुत्रो रूद्रपालअमृपा[लौ] (|) ताभ्यां माता श्रीराज्ञीमा[न]ल देवी तया [नदू]ल[डा]गिका-
3. यां (||) सतां परजतीनां [रा]जकुलपल[म]ध्‍यात् पालिकाद्दयं (1) घाण[कं] प्रति धर्म्माय प्रदत्‍तं | भं. नागसि-
4. वप्रमुखसमस्‍तग्रामीणक (|) रा. त्तिमटा वि. सिरिया वणिक पोमरि (|) लक्ष्‍मण एते सा |
5. खिं कृत्‍वा दत्‍तं (|) लोपकस्‍य यदु पापं गोहत्‍यासहस्रेण | ब्रहमहत्‍या सतेन च (|) तेन
6. पापेन लिप्‍यते स: || . || श्री ||
Nadlai Stone Inscription of Rayapala S.V. 1189 (1133 AD)[4]

This inscription was found in a Jaina temple at Nadlai, 8 miles to the north-west of Desuri, the principal town of the district of the same name, Godvad Division. The temple is now dedicated to Adinatha, but there can be no doubt, as will be seen from other inscriptions, that it was originally dedicated to Mahavira. The inscription in question is engraved on a lintel standing on two pillars in the sabha-mandapa. The lines of the inscription run parallel to one another but not to the edges of the lintel, and the tops of some of the concluding letters in the first line have been cut off, necessarily being outside the upper edge of the lintel. This points to the conclusion that the sabha-mandapa was rebuilt some time after the date of the inscription, and that the lintel on which it is incised is no longer preserved in its original form. The record contains 6 lines of writing. The surface of the stone does not appear to have been dressed before engraving the inscription, and the letters also do not seem to have been carefully incised. The characters are Nagari. Of these y is written as if it were p, as is often seen in Sanskrit manuscripts. Next, the form of the letter 4 in Naduladdgika, L.2, is worthy of note and is exactly like that noted in No. III. The language is Sanskrit, and the whole of the inscription is in prose, excepting a verse at the end, which, however, offends against the metre. In respect of orthography, it deserves to be noticed first that there is but one b in the inscription and it is denoted by the sign for v, in vrahama(hma), L.5, and secondly, that the final consonant is represented by the addition, of the suffix u as, e.g. yad by yadu in L.5. The same orthographic peculiarity I have noticed in the later copper-plate inscriptions of the Guhilot princes, which are found in Godvad. As regards lexicography, the words pala, and palika employed in L.3 doubtless denote some kind of liquid measure. Details of it have been, set forth in Beruni, Indica, Vol. I. p. 164. Attention may also be drawn to the abbreviated forms herein employed, bham, L.3, and ra and vi, L.4. bham , of coarse, stands for bhamdari, the name of a well-known subdivision of the Osvals, and ra for rauta which is supposed to be a corruption of rajaputra, and is the same as the modern Ravat, one of the designations borne by Rajput jagirdars. I do not know the full form of vi. In L.3 is used the word ghanaka, which corresponds to ghani and signifies an oil-mill. It is frequently met with in inscriptions. The inscription is dated the 5th of the bright half of Magha in the [Vikrama] year 1189, and speaks of a grant made by Rudrapala and Amritapala, sons of the Maharajadhiraja Rayapala of the Chahamana dynasty, in conjunction with their queen-mother Manaladevi. The gift was of two palikas out of those due to the royal family from each oil-machine (ghanaka) and was made for the (Jaina) saints in and outside Naduladagika (Nadlai). The witnesses to this religious benefaction were the villagers (graminaka) Ttimata, a Rauta, Siriya a vi, Posari a bania, and Lakshmana, headed by Nagasiva, a bhandari. They apparently formed the pamcha of the village.

VIII Nadlai Stone Inscription of Rayapala S.V. 1195 (1138 AD)

Sanskrit Text
1. ओं नम: सर्व्‍वज्ञाय || संवत् 11
2. 95 आसउज वदि 15 कुजे ||
3. अद्येह श्रीन[ङ]लडा[गि]कायां महा-
4. राजाधिराजश्रीराय[पा]लदेव | विज-
5. यी राज्‍यं कुर्व्‍वतीत्‍येस्मिन काले श्री-
6. मदुर्ज्जिततीर्थ श्री[ने]मिनाथदेव-
7. स्‍य दीपधूपनैवे[द्य] पुष्‍पपूजाद्यर्थे
8. गूहिलान्‍वय: (|) राउ. उधरणसुनु-
9. ना भोक्तारि (?)ठ. राजदेवेन स्‍वपु-
10. ण्यार्थे स्‍वोयादानमध्‍यात् मार्ग्‍गे [ग]-
11. च्छतानामागतानां वृषभानां शेके[षु]
12. यदाभाव्‍यं भ‍वति तन्‍मध्‍यात् विं[श]
13. तिमो भाग: चंद्रार्क यावत् देवस्‍य
14. प्रदत्‍त: || अस्‍मद्वंशोयेनान्‍येन वा
15. केनापि परिपंथना न करणीया ||
16. अस्‍मदत्‍तं न केनापि लोप[नी]यं ||
17. स्वहस्‍ते परहस्‍ते वा य: कोपि लोप-
18. यिष्‍यंति | तस्‍याहं करे लग्‍नो
19. न लो[प्यं] ममं शासनमिदं [|] लि.
20. [पां]सिलेन स्‍वहस्‍तोयं साभि-
21. ज्ञानपूर्व्‍वकं राउ. रा[ज]देवे
22. न मातुदत्‍तं || अत्राहं साक्षि[णा]
23. ज्‍योतिषिक[दूदू] पासूनुना गु‍गि
24 . न[|]: | तथा पला. [प]ाला. | पृथिं
25. वा 1 मांगु[ला] || देपसा | रा
26. पसा || मंगलं महा [श्री] |
Nadlai Stone Inscription of Rayapala S.V. 1195 (1138 AD)[5]

This inscription also was found at Nadlai, but in the temple of Neminatha, locally known as Jādvāji, situated on a small hill to the south-east of the village. It is engraved on a pillar, and is, on the whole, well preserved. It consists of 26 lines of writing. The characters are Nagari. The language is Sanskrit, As regards orthography, the only point that calls for notice is the use of matu for mat(a) in matulattah, L.22. Of unknown or rare words bhoktari, L.9, Sheka, L. 11, and ābhāvya, L.12, may be noticed. For the first I can suggest no meaning. Seka is perhaps the same as the Sanskrit sikya meaning " a kind of loop or swing made of rope and suspended from either end of a pole or yoke to receive a load (also applied to the load so carried). The word abhavya has, in my opinion, the sense of " income, proceeds," and occurs in no less than three different compounds in a Mangrol inscription of V.E. 1202. It is also employed as a component of another compound in Bhinmal inscriptions Nos. XII and XV. Perhaps another word may also be noticed, vis. rāuta, which occurs in LL. 8 and 21. It is evidently a corruption of Rajaputra and is the same aa Rajput, but is here nsed to denote apparently a jagirdar. The inscription opens with obeisance to the Omniscient, who is here Neminatha. It then gives the date, m. Tuesday, the 16th of the dark half of Asvina in the [Vikrama] year 1195, and refers to the rule of the Maharajadhiraja Rayapaladeva over Naduladagika (Nadlai). It then states that for lamp, incense, offering, flowers, worship and so forth of Sri-Neminatha, the thakura, Rajadeva, son of the rauta Udharana of the Guhila family, granted for his spiritual merit one-twentieth part of the income (abhavya) derived from the loads on bullocks going on their way or coming to Nadlai. Then a request is made to future rulers for the preservation of the grant ; and Pamsila is given as the name of the individual who wrote the record. Then comes the sign-mannal of Rajadeva, who is here called a rāuta, which is followed by the name of the witness Gugi, son of the astrologer Dudupa. The last three lines are not intelligible to me.


X Nadlai Stone Inscription of Rayapala V.S. 1200 (1143 AD)

Sanskrit Text
1.ओं. || संव[त्] 1200 जेष्‍ट [सु] दि 5 गुरौ श्रीमहाराजाधिराजश्रीरायपाल देवराज्‍ये - - हास - - -
2. समए रथयात्रायां आगतेन (|) रा. राजदेवेन (|) आत्‍म (|) पाइलामध्‍यात् [सर्व्‍वसाउपुत्र] विंसो
3. पको दत्‍त: || आत्‍मीयघाणकतेलव [ल] मध्‍यात् | मातानिमितं पलिकाद्दयं (|)प्ली दत्‍त: (त्‍तं) || म (||)
4. हाजन (|) ग्रामीण | जनपदसमक्षाय | धर्म्माय निमितं विंसोपको पलिकाद्दयं (|) दत्‍तं || गोह (||)
5. त्‍यानां सहस्रेण ब्रह्म [ह]त्‍यासतेन च | स्‍त्रीहत्‍याभ्रूणहत्‍या च जतु पापं (|) तेन पापेन लिम्‍यते स: [|]
Nadlai Stone Inscription of Rayapala V.S. 1200 (1143 AD)[6]

This inscription was found in the temple of Adinatha at Nadlai, and is engraved on a lintel just opposite to that on which No. VII is inched. It contains 5 lines of writing. The letters were filled with plaster when I first saw the inscription. The plaster had afterwards to be scraped of for enabling us to read the inscription. The characters are Nagari. The language is Sanskrit, and the record is in prose excepting the verse at the end, the last pada of which sets the metre at naught. As regards orthography, the only points that call for notice are (1) the use of Jatu for yad and (2) the use of the dental for the palatal sibilant. In line 3 occur the curious words vala and pli, of which the first appears to be incorrectly used for pala and the second apparently an abbreviated form of palika. In line 2 the word paila is used, which seems to signify a certain kind of weight. The same word occurs in the same sense in No. XL. In the Sunak grant of the Chaulukya king Karnadeva has also used this term. Local inquiries in Godvad have given me the following table :

4 paila = 1 payali. 5 payali =1 mana . 4 mana = 1 sei, 4 sei = 1 man

Another word that may be noted is vimsopaka, which not infrequently occurs in other inscriptions also. It is doubtless a coin, which is equivalent in value to 1/20 of the rupee that was then current. The inscription opens with the date, vis, Thursday, the 5th of the bright half of Jeshta ( Jyaishtha) in the [Vikrama] year 1200, when the Maharajadhiraja Sri-Rayapaladeva was reigning. It then records that the rauta Rajadeva, who had come on the occasion of the rathayatra, i.e. the car festival, made, for the sake of his mother, in the presence of the bankers (mahajanas), villagers and the people of the province, a religions benefaction consisting of one vimsopaka coin from the value of pailas accruing to him and two palikas from the palas of oil due to him from every ghanaka or oil mill.

XI Nadlai Stone Inscription of Rayapaladeva V.S. 1202 (1145 AD)

Sanskrit Text
1. ओं सवंत् 1202 आसोजवदि 5 शुक्रे (|) श्रीमहाराजाधिराजश्रीरायपालदेवराज्‍ये प्रवर्त्‍त (माने) |
2. श्रीनदूलडागिकायां (|) रा. राजदेवठकुरेण प्रव[र्त्‍त] मानेन (|) [श्री] महावीरचैत्‍ये (|) साधुत -.
3. पोधननि[ष्‍ठार्थे] (|) श्रीअभिनवपुरीय (|)बदार्य्या (|)अ [त्रे]षु स [म]स्‍तवणजारकेषु (|) देसी मिलित्‍वा वृ-
4. [ष] भ[भ]रित (|) जतु पाइलालगमाने | ततु वीसं प्रति (|) रूआ 2 किराडउआ (|) गाडं प्रति रू 1 वण-
5. जारकै[ध]र्म्माय प्रदत्तं || लोपकस्य ज [तु] पापं[गो]हत्या्सहस्रेण ||ब्रह्महत्या सतेन (|) पापेन (|)लिप्यते स:||
Nadlai Stone Inscription of Rayapaladeva V.S. 1202 (1145 AD)[7]

The inscription is engraved on the same lintel as No. X. It contains 5 lines of writing. The characters are Nagari. The language is Sanskrit, and, excepting the usual imprecatory verse at the end, the whole of the record is in prose. As regards orthography, the only points that call for notice are that a consonant following r is doubled, and that in L.5 Jatu is used instead of yat. Of rare and unusual words herein employed and not previously noticed, desi occurs in L. 3, and kiradaud and gada in L. 4. The last is used in the sense of "cart," and kiradaua is, I am told, the same as kiradua or kirana employed to denote substances, such as gum, dry ginger, black pepper, coriander, and so forth. The meaning of the word desi is not quite certain. It seems tempting to take it in the sense of a guild, in which it occurs in the Peheva inscription of the imperial Pratihara Bhojadeva I. (above, Vol. I, p. 187, L. 8) and the Harsha inscription of the Chahamana Vigraharaja (above, Vol. II. p. 124, L. 38). And this meaning suits here excellently. The same word occurs in another inscription found in the same temple as this, and apparently in the same sense. Another expression that requires to be noted is la(la)ga-mana the meaning of which seems to be " the measure or proportion (mana) of cess (laga)." The inscription opens with the date, viz. Friday, the 5th of the dark half of Asoja (Asvina) in the [Vikrama] year 1202, when Rayapaladeva was the Maharajadhiraja and the rauta Rajadeva was the thakura of Naduladagika (Nadlai). The object of the inscription is to record that the Vanajarakas (Vanjaras) of Abhinavapuri, Badari and Nadlai having assembled together into a guild (desi), Rajadeva granted, for the sake of the pious and the ascetics in the temple of Mahavira, rupees two for each twenty pailas loaded on bullocks and rupee one for each cart filled with commodities, coming under the class of kiranas. Badari is probably Borli, 8 miles north of Nadlai. Abhinavapuri (?) is unknown to me.

Notes by Wiki editor:

XIV Nadlai Stone Inscription of Kalhana V.S. 1228 (1172 AD)

Sanskrit Text
१.ओं संवत १२ अठा(।)वीसा वरषे मागसिर सुदि १३ सोमे श्रीभिवडेश्वरदेवस्य ।१ श्रीकुंवरपालदेवविजयराज्ये ।श्रीनाडुल्यपुरात(।) श्री केल्हण:राज्ये वोरिपद्यके(।) राणा-
२. लखमण(।)राजे स्वस्तिसोनाणाग्रामे (।) ठा अणसीहुस्य । स्वस्तिनाडूले सूत्रमहडूअ (।) भार्या जसदेवी(।)सुतपाहिणी मंडप: करापनीय: अक्षसामलापनीय: डमा
३. कर्तव्या पाषाणइटकायाम घटित: चहूटापने द्र ३३० लागे धर्मसखा इत सूत्र महिदरा तथा इंदराको घटितं कार्यं - - - कापाडीय
Nadlai Stone Inscription of Kalhana V.S. 1228 (1172 AD)[8]

This Inscription was found near the temple of Mahadeva, about one mile south-west of Nadlai. The shrine of it is really a natural cave, and this is the reason why it is also is written bhamyara ka mandir i.e. subterranean temple. It originally had a sabha-mandapa which is now destroyed. It contains 3 lines of writing. It is partly in Sanskrit and partly in vernacular language. Here svasti is twice used as svasti Sonana and svasti Nadule. As regards Orthography 1. it uses kunvara for kumara in L.1 and 2. itaka for ishtaka and date 1228 in L.1 is written half in ciphers and lalf in letters. With reference to rare or unusual words, the following may be noticed : (1) akshasama, (2) Lapaniya, (3) dama and (4) chakutapana, the meaning of none of which is known to me.

The inscription opens with the date viz. Monday the 13th of margashirsha in the [Vikrama] year 1228, during the victorious reign of the Chaulukya sovereign Kumarapala', when Kelhana was raler of Nadulya, and Rana Lakhamana of Voripadyaka, and Anasiha was the thakura of Sonana. It then states that the mandapa, akshasama, and dama of the temple Bhivadeshwara ware constructed by Pahini, sou of the sutradhara Mahadua and his wife Jasadevi. They conaisted of stones and bricks, and their construction cost 330 drammas. He was helped in this religious work by the sutradhara Mahidara and Imdaraka.

Of the localities herein mentioned, Nadulya and Sonana are, of course, [Nadol]] and Voripadyaka is probably to be identified with Borli, abont 8 miles north of Nadlai.

Notes by Wiki editor -

XXV Nadlai Stone Inscription of Ranaviradeva S.V. 1443 (1386 AD)

Sanskrit Text
1. ओं || स्‍वस्ति श्रीनृपविक्रमसम-
2. यातीत सं[1]443 वर्षे कार्ति-
3. कवदि 14 शुक्रे श्रीनडूलाई
4. नगरे चाहुमानान्‍वयमहा-
5. राजाधिराजश्रीवणवीरदे-
6. वसुतराजश्री[र]णवीरदेववि-
7. जयराज्‍ये अ[त्रस्‍थ]स्‍वच्‍छश्रीमद-
11. वणोउत्‍पलायमानै: श्रीविन-
12. यचंद्रसूरिभिरल्‍पगुणमाणि-
13. क्यरत्‍नाकरस्‍य यदुवंशशृंगा-
14. रहारस्‍य श्रीनेमीश्वरस्‍य निरा-
15. कृतजगदविषाद: प्रसाद स-
16. मुद्दधे श्राचंद्रार्क नंदतात ||श्री||
Nadlai Stone Inscription of Ranaviradeva S.V. 1443 (1386 AD)[9]

This inscription was found at Nadlai, and is, like No. VIII., engraved on a pillar in the temple of Neminatha called Jadvaji, situated on a hillock to the south-east of the village. It contains 16 lines of writing. Tho characters are Nagari. The language is Sanskrit, and the whole of the inscription is in prose. It is worthy of note that each line begins with two vertical strokes. In respect of orthography, it is sufficient to note that consonants following r are, as a rule, doubled, and that the final d is twice represented as if it were da, Srimada, L.7, for Srimad and jagada, L. 5. for jagad. The record commences by specifying the date, which is Friday, the 14th of the dark half of Karttika in the [Vikrama] year 1443 elapsed. It speaks of the Raja Ranaviradeva, son of the Maharajadhiraja Vanavira of the Chahamana lineage as then reigning. It then records the rebuilding of the structure (prasada,) of Sri-Nemisvara, the ornament of the Yadu race, by Vinayachamdrasuri, the occupant of the paṭṭa or pontifical seat (i.e. the successor) of Dharmachamdrasuri. The latter, we are told, belonged to the line of Manatungasuri, the sun in the sky of the Brihadgachchha.

Notes: Patta (पट्ट) = A royal seat or A royal grant engraved on a copper plate

Nadlai Inscription of 1629 AD

Sanskrit Text
१. संवत १६८६ वर्षे वैशाख मासे शुक्ल पक्षे शति पुष्प योगे अष्टमी दिवसे महाराणा श्री जगत सिंहजी विजय राज्ये जहांगीरी महातपा
२. विरुद धारक भट्टारक श्री विजयदेवसूरीश्वरोपदेशकारित प्राक्प्रशस्ति पट्टिका ज्ञातराज श्री सम्प्रति निर्म्मापित श्री जेरपाल पर्वतस्य
३. जीर्ण्ण प्रासादोद्धारेण श्री नडलाई वास्तव्य समस्त संघेन स्वश्रेयसे श्री श्री आदिनाथबिंबं कारितं प्रतिष्ठितं च पादशाह श्री मदकब्बर
४. शाह प्रदत्त जगत् गुरु विरुद धारक तपागच्छाधिराज भट्टारक श्री ५ हीरविजयसूरीश्वर पट्टप्रभाकर भ. श्री विजयसेन सूरीश्व
५. र पट्टालंकर भट्टारक श्री विजयदेवसूरिभि: स्वपद प्रतिष्ठिताचार्य श्री विजय सिंह सूरि प्रमुख परिवार परिवृतै: श्री नडुलाई मंडन श्री
६. जेरवल पर्वतस्य प्रासाद मूलनायक श्री आदिनाथ बिंबं ||श्री||
Nadlai Inscription of 1629 AD[10]

नाडलाई शिलालेख १६२९ ई.

डॉ. गोपीनाथ [11] लिखते हैं कि यह शिलालेख आदिनाथ मंदिर की मूर्ति पर ६ पंक्तियों का है. इसका समय वि.सं. १६८६ वैशाख शुक्ला ८ शनिवार है और महाराणा जगतसिंह के काल का है. इस लेख में तपागच्छ के आचार्य हरिविजय, विजयसेन और विजयदेव सूरि का उल्लेख है.

लेख का मूल साथ के बाक्स में है.

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