
Nagwara (नगवाड़ा/ नागवाड़ा), is a village in Nawa tehsil of Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
Pincode of the village is 341519. It is situated 40km away from Nawa town and 150km away from Nagaur city. Being a large village, Nagwara has its own gram panchayat. Gugarwar, Deusar and Depur are some of the nearby villages.
Naga Jats
Jat Gotras
- Population of Nagwara according to Census 2001 was 1885 (male population: 987, female population: 898).
- According to Census-2011 information:
- With total 415 families residing, Nagwara village has the population of 2231 (of which 1158 are males while 1073 are females).[1]
Notable Persons
- R.R. CHOUDHARY (Moond) - Date of Birth : 1-January-1958, SUPERINTENDENT CUSTAMS & CENTRAL EXCISE, VPO- Nagwara, TEH- Nawa, DISTT-NAGAUR, Present Address : D-38, NIRMAN NAGAR, AJMER ROAD, JAIPUR, Resident Phone Number : 0141-2810891, Mobile Number : 9829162509
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