Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Narol (नारोल) is a village in tahsil Mendhar of Poonch district in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Ancient temple built by Lalitaditya the Ram Kund temple is near Narol and Dharana villages in Poonch
Narol is a Village in Mendhar Block in Poonch District of Jammu & Kashmir State, India. It is located 13 KM towards South from District head quarters Poonch. 5 KM from Mendhar. 91 KM from State capital Srinagar, Jammu. Chhungan Charoon ( 3 KM ) , Topa Thera ( 3 KM ) , Banola ( 3 KM ) , Chak Banola ( 3 KM ) , Salani ( 4 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Narol. Narol is surrounded by Poonch Block towards North , Surankote Block towards East , Balakote Block towards South , Mandi Block towards North . Punch , Rajauri , Baramula , Sopore are the near by Cities to Narol. This Place is in the border of the Poonch District and Rajauri District. Rajauri District Manjakote is South towards this place .[1]
Jat Gotras
- Narolia (नरोलिया)
Lalitaditya had built Poonch city but at present there is no building existing on ground belonging to Lalitaditya except Ram Kund Temple Mendhar. Mr Stein who translated Rajatarangini, visited Poonch in 1892, identified a number of places like Loharkote (Loran), Attalika (Atoli), Saramber (Chamber Kanari), Savvernik (Surankote) mentioned in Rajatarangini. He could not locate Ram Kund as it was located in very remote area. Other proof is that Devadasis reported to Lalitaditya that they belonged to a nearby village known as Sover Dehmana, which is still existing near Narol, where Ram Kund Temple exists, known as Dharana instead of Dehmana.[2]