Rajender Singh Sangwan

Dr. Rajender Singh Sangwan, Ph.D., Fellow, National Academy of Sciences (F.N.A.Sc.), Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (F.N.A.A.S.), Nationally and Internationally awarded Scientist F (Deputy Director) at Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Govt. of India) at Lucknow.
He is from village Sardar Pura (Chhapra Ka Bas) near Pilani in District Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan.
This year he has been elected as the Fellow of National Academy of Sciences (India) i.e. F.N.A.Sc. in recognition of his research work on secondary metabolites and metabolism in medicinal and aromatic plants particularly Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) what we locally call "Akksand" in Haryanavi. This is a follow-up recognition after last years election as Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (F.N.A.A.S.).
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