Satrod Khas
- Note - Please click → Satrod for details of similarly named villages at other places.

Satrod Khas is a village in Hisar tahsil and district Hisar in Haryana.
Jat Gotras
Satrod Khas is a Village in Hisar-I Mandal in Hisar District in Haryana State . Satrod Khas is 3.8 km far from its District headquarters and 199 from the State captal, Chandigarh . Nearby Villages with distance are Satrod Khurd(1.5 k.m.), Raipur (2.9 k.m.), Satrod Kalan (3.4 k.m.), Bhagana (8.1 k.m.), Ladwa (8.1 k.m.).
Notable persons
- Rajbir Singh Grewal
External links
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